Fulfilling our commitment to a dynamic, sustainable regional economy.


May 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council May 2023 Board Meeting Agenda May 9, 2023 3:00pm McCall, Idaho First Bank Board Room (located on main floor) Executive Session 2:30 (Open unless otherwise specified) Review agenda items Board Meeting 3:00 Call to...

April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 2023 3:00pm Zoom Meeting ONLY In Attendance: Dylan Martin, Vonna Torrey, Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Kelly Hill, Jill Morris-Chapman, Belinda Provancher, Delta James...


The council’s charter was first adopted on July 25, 2012 and last amended on October 23, 2012:

To encourage Valley County communities, businesses and organizations to act more cohesively towards an improved local economy

To solicit or assist projects that substantially strengthen the local economy (through business stimulation; community & infrastructure development; sector development)

To inspire and solicit creative (“outside the box”) solutions for issues at hand

To attract businesses and economic opportunities to the region

To assist in the creation and maintenance of a climate that fosters economic growth and viability


Idaho Business Review: Tourism In Idaho Event

Idaho Business Review: Tourism In Idaho Event

WCMEDC Executive Director, Andrew Mentzer, will be a panelist at the upcoming Idaho Business Review Breakfast Series: IdaGo--Tourism in Idaho. The event is June 5th in Boise. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION!