Council Meeting Agenda May

Council Meeting Agenda May

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council Monthly Meeting: May 3, 2018 Location: Cascade, County Commissioners Chambers Time- 4:00- 6:00pm Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests Housing Trust report Treasurer’s report Approval of April minutes Fund...
Council Meeting Minutes March

Council Meeting Minutes March

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council Monthly Meeting: March 1, 2018 Location: Donnelly (cancelled due to weather, but proxy vote was held on the following topics) CONSENT AGENDA: Treasurer’s Report February Minutes REGULAR AGENDA: Please send...
Council Meeting Agenda April

Council Meeting Agenda April

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council Monthly Meeting: April 5, 2018 Location: McCall, Idaho First Bank Time- 4:00- 6:00pm Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests Housing Trust report Treasurer’s report Approval of March minutes (proxy vote) Fund...
Council Meeting Minutes March

Council Meeting Minutes (REMOTE/PROXY) March

This meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. The following items were voted on by proxy: CONSENT AGENDA: Treasurer’s Report PASSED February Minutes PASSED REGULAR AGENDA: Vote to approve the allocation of funds ($2,905 total, to date) received from the...