Valley County Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: October 22, 2014
Location: Kelly’s Whitewater Park, Cascade
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
4:00pm Welcome & Agenda (5min)
- Welcome Visitors & Guests
4:05pm Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports (10min)
4:15pm 2015 Strategic Plan (60min)
- Review Final 2015 Strategic Plan Draft
- Strategic Objectives, Action Areas (“Projects”) and Subcommittees
- Sector Development
- Local Entrepreneurship
- Asset Development
- Import Substitution
- Strategic Objectives, Action Areas (“Projects”) and Subcommittees
- Approve 2015 Strategic Plan
5:15pm America’s Best Communities (30min)
- Update & Timeline
5:45pm Round Table, Calendar & Public Input (15min)
- Round Table
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- November Meeting (Donnelly/Tamarack)
- Public Input