West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
October 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 3:00pm
McCall Public Library (Idaho Room), 218 Park St, McCall & ZOOM
ZOOM MEETING LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88412171046?pwd=QWhaZGlDaHo4MUl1cHk4aUZuVytzQT09
Executive Session 2:30 (Open unless otherwise specified)
Board Meeting 3:00pm
Board Members Present: Sherry Maupin, Dylan Martin, Julie Good, Joni Osterman, Delta James, Kelly Hill
Online: Vonna Torrey, Cynda Herrick, Belinda Provancher, Rachel Wessel
Guests: Executive Director Lindsey Harris, Trace McKellips, Melissa Hamilton, Tiffany Dobbs
Board Meeting
- Call to Order at 3:04pm
- Approval of October Agenda
- Motion by Vonna Torrey. 2nd by Julie Good. Motion Passes
- Approval of September Minutes
- Motion by Joni Osterman. 2nd by Kelly Hill. Motion Passes
- Treasurer’s report –
- Approval of September Treasurer’s Report as discussed in last meeting, Economic Summit amounts that were board approved last month were moved to general fund.
- Additional conversation about the duplicate payment for Go Daddy, expected to see refund in October.
- Early Childhood balance clarification by Belinda confirmed.
- Additional clarification on the funding availability for training/screening resources, 5K for early intervention was clarified.
- Motion by Belinda. 2nd by Joni. Motion Passes
- Letter(s) of support or Items for Signature: None this month (see last months approved letters)
- Executive Items
- Update with Valley County economic development funding (see attached MOU)
- Executive Director Update
- Economic Summit 2024 – Afternoon speakers have been confirmed, formal agenda will be sent tomorrow. Lodging link will be updated as well. Attendance is a bit slow, but funding for the event has been very positive. Look for more posting for the summit and getting the information out there in the community.
- LHTAC/VAPP update, about 12 people attended, good conversation ensued and they are planning to meet again in the spring.
- BSU Resiliency Assessment Update, this past week, great regional conversations.
- of Commerce Updates – Jerry is in charge of business retention.
- Community Reports
- Valley County
- Volumes of Meetings – planning emphasis. January, we will have a new Commissioner opening.
- Water and Soil Conservation 250K grant to design a new Cascade Sewer District. Trying to connect the city to this organization.
- Fire Mitigation in preparation for a fire, connections with the Forest Service, they are listening and getting some traction, how do we empower that conversation? Looking to focus the message from the BSU communication.
- Cascade
- Hogwild fundraiser has been postponed/cancelled, planning to use the funding for an event in March. Looking at a a variety of different funding ideas.
- Donnelly
- Property discussions are taking place at this time.
- Circle K project has been approved planned East of the Stinker Station, and a stop light to be put in place.
- Trunk or treat on October 31st, 5-7 in downtown Donnelly.
- Increasing the size of the Christmas in Donnelly event – will be at the elementary school – looking to increase to 35-40 vendors, event is scheduled Dec 7th 9a-5p.
- Looking to increase business engagement.
- Ignite Idaho is starting an Ignite Donnelly for after school programming, November 4 start date to help train interested parties to run the program. Perpetua and Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation have funded the program. We want to move to free programming, at this time it is at $20.
- McCall
- LOT funding compiled, finished 9% down from last year.
- 1% roads LOT is up for renewal in 2025 that funds road projects specifically. $10 million roughly generated that leveraged over $35 million in improvements New Meadows.
- Climate Action Plan, greenhouse gas inventory identified transportation is the largest – just started the community action communications, look for those.
- New Meadows
- Fall Festival was Saturday, Farmers Market, sold chili as a fundraiser, community engagement was positive.
- Trunk or Treat scheduled for 10/26, 2p-4p.
- School center is pouring foundation this week.
- Phase1on the subdivision was approved, supposed to break ground next week.
- EMS is seeking land.
- Mural on City Hall planned to be reflective of New Meadows history, local children will have created the project.
- 2nd skate park meeting 45 people attended, they took all the input and created a beautiful design, focused on entry level users. Memorial design is forthcoming.
- WCMEDC Updates
- Early Childhood Education (Trace)
- Early Learning Kits to all pre-schools in the region
- Letter approved to our state representatives and was sent. Looking to have a viewpoint article upcoming in the Star News.
- Partnership with Roots School to be held at Paikka Bakery, first workshop is 1 week from today.
- New Director Idaho AEYC meeting is scheduled.
- Trace was asked to join the WCM Leadership Academy. He requested funding to join.
- Housing
- Regional Housing Needs Assessment is so close, looking to present the information at the economic summit.
- Looking to utilize GEM funding for community outreach.
- WCM Housing Trust
- Met this month, working through the audit. A large volume of expenses from one unit.
- Community Development
- Creative District Update (Delta) – working on focusing it’s original purpose, looking to re-focus.
- Payette River Scenic Byway (Cynda) – Meeting next week.
- Infrastructure –
- Lindsey attended the South Lake meeting. Looking to combine with the housing needs assessment.
- Broadband – No updates with verifiable information.
- Workforce – Valley County funding planning, looking to utilize the summit to determine focus on those funds.
- Donnelly and Meadows Valley opportunity emphasis planned.
- New Business – Looking to add signage for directions at Tamarack for the Economic Summit.
- Public Comment – none.
- Adjournment at 4:40pm
- Early Childhood Education (Trace)
- Valley County