Valley County Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: October 6, 2016
Location: Valley County Downstairs Conference Room, Cascade
Time- 4:00- 6:00 pm
Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests
- Approval of treasurer’s report
- Approval of September minutes
- Update on long-term funding structures
- ED Report:
- Scope of work–optional but necessary
- ABC’s role and crossover discussion
- Actionable items versus policy/discussion
- Letter of support request for Donnelly water project
- Who they are and what is a district?
- Are they viable for VCEDC as a partner?
- Website updates
- Education: WCMU
- McCall College information
- Online course infrastructure: Coursera/Ed2Go
- What metrics it accomplishes
- workforce enhancement
- unemployment gap
- youth and adult
- Local entrepreneurship
- Cost/time frame
- Weekly reporting, communication & calendar-opportunities to connect
- Scope of work–optional but necessary
- Open board positions: Blake Watson, Jay Kiiha & Eric Borchers and accept Bob Tracy resignation
- ABC update–Sherry
- Summit post-mortem–Sherry
- Strategy 1 – Sector Development
- Newsletter content & format options
- Grant opportunities–strategy moving forward: Jerry Miller Webinar
- Strategy 2 – Local Entrepreneurship
- Covered in ED report (education)
- Strategy 3 – Asset Development
- Payette River National Scenic Byway and Payette River Basin Water Trails update
- Housing Trust Bylaws w/ new signatures
- Strategy 4- Import Substitution
- Geothermal/TBD
- Sub-committee to update Bylaws–West Central Mountains/Meadows Valley/legal-Jonne & Scotty
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments