Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc.,

Minutes October 1, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm

Cascade City Hall, Cascade, Idaho

Members present: Jonne Hower, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey, Bob Giles, Don Bailey, Rob Terry, Karla Miller, Scotty Davenport, Bob Tracy, Michael Everett

Members absent: Cami Hedges

Guests: Blake Watson (Idaho Power), Cynda Herrick (Valley County), Larry Laxon (Valley County), Richard Jayo (Frontier Communications)

Presiding: Sherry Maupin

Sherry called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed guests and members.

Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports

Don moved and Bill seconded the minutes of the Sep. 3, 2015 be approved. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved.

Sub-Committees and Focus Areas

  • Executive Committee

◦      Sherry stated that the VCEDC annual meeting will be the January 2016 meeting and the Council would elect officers to serve during 2016. At that meeting, Directors will also be appointed/continue for the upcoming year. Also, the VCEDC Strategic Plan will be reviewed and updated during the meeting.

◦      Scotty distributed a draft VCEDC by-law change for consideration and action at the next Council meeting. Please see attachment.

Richard Jayo, Frontier Communications

Sherry introduced Richard Jayo of Frontier Communications. He spoke about Frontier’s Five Year Communication Infrastructure Plan. Frontier is beginning a plan, called Connect America, to upgrade infrastructure for underserved communities. Here in Idaho, Garden Valley is the first exchange identified for an upgrade; it is expected to be completed by late 2016. Upgrades are planned for Cascade and Donnelley in 2017 and McCall – except the downtown core – in 2018.

  • Asset Development

◦      Sherry organized an asset development subcommittee meeting which several community members attended to discuss housing options.

◦      Sherry will attend the Housing and Economic Development Conference.

  • Sector Development subcommittee

◦      Sherry reported the initial VCEDC newsletter, Valley Talks, would be distributed following a final edit.

◦      Sherry reported the subcommittee plans to work with local area builders, planners, and the real estate community to identify specific impediments to affordable housing. It is hoped that the group would also work toward resolving those impediments.

◦      Don volunteered to research the Jackson Hole Housing Trust and see if it might serve as a model for a local housing trust.

  • Import Substitution

◦      Rob reported that construction is underway for the Southern Valley County Recreation District’s hot water pool. Water lines are expected to be installed within the next couple of weeks and the contractor is willing to install, with the Recreation District’s approval, a “T valve” to facilitate use of excess hot water to heat future greenhouse development.

◦      Karla moved and Rob seconded the Council provide up to $250 to accomplish this. Motion passed.

  • Local Entrepreneurship

◦      Jonne reported that SBA would like to provide additional training and/or business counseling in Valley County. The proposal is for SBA staff to visit Valley County quarterly, alternating between Cascade and McCall. Visits would be October 2015 and April 2016 in Cascade and January and July in McCall. The subcommittee is seeking a McCall sponsor to work with SBA; Don Bailey volunteered to follow-up with Bob Giles.

◦      Nationally, SBA has partnered with Google to provide “Getting Found on Google and Maps” workshops. This no-cost workshop is scheduled Oct. 29 in both McCall and Cascade.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • Karla volunteered to contact someone in New Meadows regarding their interest in working with the Council
  • Karla reported she is still seeking information on job descriptions. Blake Watson offered to contact an Economic Development Association near Mountain Home. Bob Tracy reported he had received an Executive Director and Administrative Support position descriptions.
  • Rob reported he had submitted the Council’s request to join the Idaho Economic Association. Blake Watson indicated Idaho Power would fund a Council member’s attendance.
  • Karla reported she had attended the recent Food Coalition meeting and indicated it would be funded by funds received by the ABC competition.
  • The next VCEDC meeting is scheduled for Nov5, 4:00-6:00 pm, in McCall.
  • Future VCEDC meetings will be held:

◦      December 3 – 4:00 pm, Donnelley

Meeting adjourned 6:00 pm