Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc.,

Minutes November 5, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm

Idaho First Bank, McCall, Idaho

Members present: Jonne Hower, Bill Willey, Bob Giles, Don Bailey, Rob Terry, Karla Miller, Scotty Davenport, Bob Tracy, Michael Everett, Sherry Maupin (via conference call).

Members absent: Cami Hedges

Guests: Cynda Herrick (Valley County), Debi Sabatasse (ABC Committee), Donna Eggelston (ABC Committee)

Presiding: Rob Terry

Rob called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed guests and members. He explained that Sherry was out of town and would be joining the meeting via conference call.

Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports

Don moved and Karla seconded the minutes of the Oct. 1, 2015 be approved. The motion passed. There was no Treasurer’s Report.

Sub-Committees and Focus Areas

Executive Committee

◦      There was general discussion regarding a proposed VCEDC by-law change regarding representation of Directors. Both Scotty and Don presented revisions for consideration. A vote will be scheduled for the next Council meeting.

◦      Sherry reported that Valley Talks is being printed. Mailing and delivery is expected soon.

◦      Following general discussion regarding funding for a potential Council staff member, Council members agreed to determine funding needs prior to contacting cities and County for additional funding.

◦      Bob T and Karla presented a summary of their findings regarding staff for neighboring Economic Development entities. Council agreed to study the information provided and make a decision at the next meeting.

Asset Development

◦      Sherry reported the VCEDC newsletter, Valley Talks, is at the printer and would be distributed soon.

Sector Development subcommittee

◦      Sherry reported the subcommittee plans to work with local area builders, planners, and the real estate community to identify specific impediments to affordable housing. It is hoped that the group would also work toward resolving those impediments.

◦      Don reported on his research regarding a Housing Trust and passed out information and a memo to the Board for consideration. Mike moved and Jonne seconded a motion to approve no more than $500 to fund discussion with the attorney to discuss whether VCEDC could be an umbrella for a Housing Trust.

◦      Mike reported on activities related to the Northern Valley County Recreation District subcommittee. He has identified about 20 individuals for an initial meeting and feasibility discussion. The meeting is planned for Thursday, Nov. 12.

Import Substitution

◦      Rob reported that the “T” connection approved by the Council would cost almost $2,000. He reported that – for the same cost – the connection could be installed when there was a need. The Council agreed.

◦      Rob reported that the best locations for siting greenhouses to utilize excess hot water from either the Cascade School or the Southern Valley County Recreation District pool was on the Picard’s Kelly’s Green Project site. However, we have been encouraged to wait to see the temperature of the excess water after it is used by SVCRD before moving ahead with any action. Another site, located on private property, is potentially identified near the Cascade airport.

Local Entrepreneurship

◦      Jonne reported the “Getting Found on Google and Maps” workshops were a success. She is continuing to speak about the workshops and encouraging businesses to go to to claim their free website and tools.

ABC update

◦      Debi, Cynda, and Donna reported on the submission to the ABC competition. They indicated the ABC committee would like to come under the umbrella of VCEDC. Don and Scotty agreed to discuss this question when they met with the attorney.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • The next VCEDC meeting is scheduled for Dec. 3, 4:00-6:00 pm, in Donnelley.

Meeting adjourned 5:47 pm