Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
September 3, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Donnelly Community Center, Donnelley, Idaho
Members present: Jonne Hower, Sherry Maupin, Cami Hedges, Don Bailey, Rob Terry, Karla Miller, Scotty Davenport
Members absent: Bill Willey, Bob Giles
Guests: Bob Tracy, Blake Watson (Idaho Power), Melissa Hamilton (Valley County Extension)
Presiding: Sherry Maupin
Sherry called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed guests and members.
Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports
Scotty moved and Cami seconded the minutes of the July 9, 2015 be approved. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved.
Sub-Committees and Focus Areas
- Executive Committee
◦ Sherry reported that Tamarack Resort has not responded to outreach from VCEDC.
◦ Sherry moved and Don seconded addition of members-at-large Bob Tracy and Mike Everett to VCEDC. Motion passed. Following discussion, it was agreed they would attend subcommittee meetings and determine where they would like to work.
◦ Sherry reported VCEDC did not receive a grant from the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation.
◦ Blake Watson presented a grant of $1,000 to further the Council’s outreach from Idaho Power.
◦ Sherry reported she had summarized VCEDC activities for Valley County Commissioners. She indicated they would be open for future funding requests to support VCEDC staff, that matched requests to the communities of McCall, Donnelley, and Cascade.
◦ Following discussion regarding duties and hiring of part-time staff, Melissa offered to coordinate research on position descriptions. Also, Bob, Karla, and Don Bailey volunteered to assist.
◦ Following general discussion of the Idaho Economic Development Association (, Scotty moved and Karla seconded that VCEDC would join if the annual dues were $200 or less. Motion passed.
- Asset Development
◦ Sherry organized an asset development subcommittee meeting which several community members attended to discuss housing options.
◦ Sherry will attend the Housing and Economic Development Conference.
- Sector Development subcommittee
◦ Development of the newsletter – Valley Talks – continues. Karla will meet with Sherry for editing and revision. Cami volunteered to manage the email distribution list.
◦ Following general discussion regarding communication methods among Council members – and whether VCEDC should expand to include Adams County – Karla volunteered to reach out to individuals in New Meadows to determine their interest. The Council also discussed the option of creating a working subcommittee that would focus on the same geographic area involved with the ABC contest.
◦ There was no report on the development of a Northern Valley County Recreation District.
- Local Entrepreneurship
◦ Jonne reported that SBA would like to provide additional training and/or business counseling in Valley County. The proposal is for SBA staff to visit Valley County quarterly, alternating between Cascade and McCall. Visits would be October 2015 and April 2016 in Cascade and January and July in McCall. The subcommittee is seeking a McCall sponsor to work with SBA; Don Bailey volunteered to follow-up with Bob Giles.
◦ Nationally, SBA has partnered with Google to provide “Getting Found on Google and Maps” workshops. This is no-cost workshop is scheduled Oct. 8 in both McCall and Cascade.
- Import Substitution
◦ Rob reported that SBA is looking for grant funding and working with DOL.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- Melissa announced she would hold a Food Systems workshop September 8 in both McCall and Cascade.
- Sherry reported that Frontier is upgrading switches across the county; the first area scheduled for upgrades is Garden Valley. She will invite Frontier to the next Council meeting.
- The next VCEDC meeting is scheduled for October 1, 4:00-6:00 pm, at Cascade City Hall.
- Future VCEDC meetings will be held:
◦ November 5 – 4:00 pm, McCall
◦ December 3 – 4:00 pm, Donnelley
Meeting adjourned 6:00 pm