Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
March 25, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Idaho First Bank, McCall, Idaho
Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick as proxy for Bill Willey
Members absent: Karla Miller, Rob Terry, Scotty Davenport, Nic Swanson
Guests: Michelle Groenevelt
Presiding: David Papiez
David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.
Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports
The minutes of the Feb.25, 2015 meeting were approved as corrected. There was no changes to the Treasurer’s Report.
Sub-Committees and Focus Areas
- Executive Committee
- Following discussion regarding VCEDC website, David will follow-up w Valley County regarding staff assistance.
- Sector Development and Asset Development provided a joint report.
- Scott Felton is preparing a draft marketing rack brochure and quote. David will bring to the April meeting for review and discussion.
- Sherry reported on the Idaho Travel Council grant. The subcommittee is working to conduct a summer Summer Recreation Survey.
- Sherry reported on the second Housing Forum held March 18, at the Donnelly Elementary School. There were about 50 participants. Sherry will distribute a summary of the meeting.
- Continuing Development classes for the real estate community are scheduled for April 9 and 10 in McCall. They will focus on affordable housing topics.
- Don reported that he will report following the upcoming Midas Board of Directors meeting.
- Local Entrepreneurship
- The Sub-committee reported on the Council’s Second Annual Business Event, held the week of March 9 in Cascade. Jonne distributed a summary report.
- Small Business Administration staff met with Sherry during the Biz Week events. A date for a McCall presentation is scheduled for April 18.
- Import Substitution – no report
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- There was considerable discussion regarding a regular VCEDC meeting day change. David will enquire if the Council members who were absent have a preference for days.
- Cynda announced there would be a Payette River Water Trails Open House, April 1.
- Michelle reported on the Mountain Town and Resort Planners summit. There were about 50 people who attended the session. The format of break-out groups worked very well. Other resort communities are struggling with the same topics as VCEDC.
Meeting adjourned 5:45 pm