Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
Feb. 25, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Donnelly Community Center City, Donnelly, Idaho

Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Sherry Maupin, Nic Swanson, Cami Hedges, Cynda Herrick as proxy for Bill Willey

Members absent: Karla Miller, Rob Terry

Presiding: David Papiez

David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.

Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports

The minutes of the Jan.25, 2015 meeting were approved. There were no changes to the Treasurer’s Report. David will follow-up with Rob regarding the 2014 IRS tax filing.

Sub-Committees and Focus Areas

  • Executive Committee
    • David reported that U of I Extension Educator Melissa Hamilton has volunteered to update VCEDC’s web page for approximately the next 6 months. At that time, we will consult to see if there are additional options. David will follow-up on this with both Melissa and Cynda Herrick
    • Jonne reported that the Valley County Commissioners would appreciate an update on last year’s Council activities. Jonne will schedule with David and the County Commissioners.
  • Sector Development and Asset Development provided a joint report.
    • Scott Felton is preparing a draft marketing rack brochure and quote. David will bring to the March meeting.
    • Nic discussed the grant process for McCall’s LOT funds. He will lead the effort for VCEDC to submit a grant request.
    • Sherry reported on the Idaho Travel Council grant. They would like to see a Summer Recreation Survey; Sherry will work with MOSS to determine if students could provide assistance in conducting the survey.
    • The second Housing Forum has been scheduled for 6:30-8:00 pm, March 18, at the Donnelly Elementary School. This Forum will focus on the real estate community.
  • Local Entrepreneurship
    • The Sub-committee provided an update on the Council’s Second Annual Business Event scheduled for the week of March 9 in Cascade. Ads in both Take A Look and the Star News will advertise the presentations to Cascade High School, the Social Media workshop, and the Seasonal Jobs presentations.
    • Small Business Administration staff will be in Cascade March 9-11 to teach the HS classes. Council members agreed to meeting SBA staff for a coffee and discussion on March 11, 2015.
  • Import Substitution – no report

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • Sherry reported that the Greater McCall Chamber of Commerce will begin a “Leadership McCall” series where 15 to 20 young professionals will be introduced to all facets of business in McCall.
  • Sherry reported that discussions continue on a Long Valley Community Foundation. A preliminary planning meeting will occur soon.
  • Don reported that Midas Gold will host a meeting to provide an update on their engineering plans. The date is TBD.
  • Cynda reported that Larry Laxon, Valley County Recreation director, is working to develop a marketing video.
  • Cynda reported that the Payette River Scenic Byway is currently seeking additional funding.
  • The Payette River Water Trails will meet in Emmett, March 4.
  • Cami reported that Donnelly will host a full rodeo during the Huckleberry Festival scheduled Aug. 14-16, 2015

The next VCEDC meeting will be Mar. 25, 2015, at Idaho First Bank in McCall.

Meeting adjourned 5:45 pm