Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
Dec. 17, 2014, 4:00—6:00 pm
Idaho First Bank, McCall, Idaho

Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Rob Terry, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey

Members absent: Cami Hedges,Karla Miller, Nic Swanson

Non-members present: Melissa Hamilton, Valley County Extension Service; Michelle Groenvelt, City of McCall

Presiding: David Papiez

David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.

Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports

The minutes of the Nov. 17, 2014 meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s report was presented and discussed.

Small Business Administration

David introduced Catie Bennett, Economic Development Specialist with the US Small Business Administration. Catie joined the Council via conference call and presented an overview of the programs administered by her office. She noted that SBA defines “small businesses” SBA defines a small business concern as one that is independently owned and operated, is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field. She noted that SBA could also provide assistance to non-profits, but could not assist them in accessing capital.

The Boise office has resource partners such as SCORE to provide business start-up and expansion counseling and assistance. In addition the office supports the Small Business Development Center at BSU, a disaster loan program, and a small business loan guarantee program. In addition, her office provides training and assistance in securing federal government contractors and provides advocacy for small businesses within the federal government.

Following general discussion of upcoming VCEDC projects, the Local Entrepreneurship sub-committee plans to contact Catie early in 2015 to explore assistance and resources for the upcoming series of seminars and workshops.

Sub-Committees and Focus Areas

  • Sector Development
    • This sub-committee will continue to work with the Asset Development sub-committee on Affordable Housing.
    • Following discussion concerning increasing the visibility of Valley County as an ideal location for visitors to Valley County, it was decided to share a table with the U of Idaho Extension Educator at the 2015 Winter Carnival. Don moved and Rob seconded that the committee was authorized to expend up to $300 for a draft of a rack brochure.
  • Asset Development
    • The sub-committee provided an update on the affordable housing forum. They are currently searching for a venue and will explore the possibility of holding it at Tamarack. Sherry reported she had been asked to facility a Community Housing workshop, sponsored by local Planning and Zoning, to be held January 15, 2015.
    • Don reported on the continuing work of Midas Gold. They Forest Service is currently seeking comments on Midas’ proposed work in the Stibnite area. Please submit comments before December, 24, 2014.
  • Local Entrepreneurship
    • The Sub-committee provided an update on the Business Focus that is tentatively scheduled for late February or early March. Several seminars, workshops, and presentations would be scheduled in a concentrated time period for both community residents and Cascade High School. The subcommittee will follow-up with Catie and the SBA after the first of the year.
  • Import Substitution
    • Scotty reported that Cascade School District had met its goal of using ground-source geothermal to provide heat to the school building.
    • Scotty and Rob reported they expect to meet with Roy Mink later this month to identify the next step in determining where to drill a test hole.
    • The grant writer is on track to research potential funds to further develop Cascade’s geothermal resources.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • Sherry reported the ABC application has been completed, although the submission deadline was extended. The group working on the application plans to review and revise, if necessary prior to the submittal.
    • There are no new developments from the University of Idaho regarding their campus in McCall.
    • McCall is moving forward with a city code revision concerning guest houses that have facilities for 20 or more guests.
    • McCall will have a work session with a developer working on affordable housing.
  • Michelle Groenvelt reported on the March 14 & 15 , 2015 Planners meeting scheduled in McCall.
  • Melissa Hamilton reported on upcoming Extension Service activities: Public Service Day, January 19, 2015 and a Poverty Workshop scheduled for January 24. More details will be released as they become available.
  • The next VCEDC meeting will be Jan.28, 2015, at Cascade City Call, Cascade.