Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
May 28, 2014, 4-6 pm
Tamarack Resort Executive Office

Members present: David Papiez, Nic Swanson, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Karla Miller, Bill Willey, Rob Terry, Sherry Maupin

Members absent: Cami Hedges

Non-members present: Michelle Groenevelt, City of McCall and Randy Shroll and Chrissy Bowers, Idaho Dept. of Commerce.

Presiding: David Papiez

David Papiez called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests Michelle Groenevelt, Randy Schroll, and Chrissy Bowers.

The minutes of the April 23, 2014, VCEDC meeting were approved as corrected. Treasurer Rob Terry provided the Financial Report (attached).

Agenda: David reported that Blake Watson, Idaho Power, was unable to attend the meeting and his presentation would be re-scheduled.

Idaho Department of Commerce Update: Randy Schroll (Business Development Manager) introduced Chief Economic Development Officer Chrissy Bowers. After providing a brief introduction of herself, she noted the following resources that are available to groups such as VCEDC.

  • Training modules
  • Resources available on website:
  • Assistance with scheduling business recruitment appointments and “dress rehearsals” for site visits by potential business owners
  • Tax reimbursement for businesses locating in Idaho
  • “Accelerate Idaho” ( – an initiative to encourage business development in Idaho

The presentation on tools available by emphasizing that the Department is focusing on providing direct assistance to local economic development councils such as VCEDC.

Another program is Gem State Prospector ( a website providing free, current, Idaho demographics as well as commercial real estate listings.

Project and Subcommittee Updates

  • VCEDC Website Update – David reported the progress of the continued development of our website. He requested the websites of cities in Valley County and Valley County provide links to VCEDC website.

Directors agreed to write short biographical sketches for posting on the website.

  • Testimonials – David and Karla will meet as a small work group to identify comments from the recent Small Business Fair and New Business Plan competition to be added to the website.
  • Marketing – David, Sherry, and Jonne will meet to develop VCEDC marketing materials for use during events held in Valley County such as the Payette River Games.
  • Incorporation and Tax Exempt Status – David reported there had been no action to date from the IRS on VCEDC 501 (c) 3 application.
  • Energy Subcommittee – Rob reported funds were collected from the landowners involved in the geothermal testing conducted in 2013 and the check had been issued to Mink Geo Hydro, Inc.
  • Affordable Housing Review Sherry will contact The Springs Apartment complex in McCall to enquire about the next phase of their planned development.
  • Sales Tax projections – Scotty reported that Jackson Hole, WY was reporting a decline in sales tax collections due to professional offices occupying previously commercial sites in the city. He indicated VCEDC should be thinking of potential consequences for Valley County if the same trend occurs in the county.

VCEDC Strategic Plan: David suggested review, discussion, and revision of the Strategic Plan in order to develop the 2015 Plan. Discussion will begin at the June 25, 2014 VCEDC meeting.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • The next VCEDC meeting will be June 25, 2014 at 4:00 pm, at McCall City Hall/Legion. Reports from Idaho Power and Department of Labor are tentatively on the agenda.
  • There was no public input

David adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.