VCEDC Minutes
June 2, 2016
Donnelly City Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Members in Attendance: Michael Everett, Don Bailey, Donna Eggleston, Bob Giles, Scotty Davenport,
Jonne Hower, Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Robert Tracy (telephonically).
Members Absent: Rob Terry, Bill Willey, Cami Hedges, Karla Miller
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
Discussion concerning changes to the March minutes included the $1,500 approval for the attorney for
Housing Trust, budget, etc. Sherry notated the changes and will give to Cami. Bob Giles moved to
approve the minutes for March, 2016 with changes indicated. Scotty Davenport seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Discussion concerning May 5, 2016 minutes. Cynda Herrick moved to approve the May 5, 2016, minutes.
Don Bailey seconded the motion carried.
Sherry reported that there is approximately $3,800 dollars. She stated that since we won the ABC
$100,000 no money will be needed for the Recreation District or the Housing Trust.
Board Insurance
Discussion ensued concerning D&O insurance. It is recommended, some will no longer participate on
this Board if we do not have it. Discussed organization of the Council. Sherry will find out about
insurance and clarify the structure of the Council. Bob Giles moved to move forward with minimum of
D&O insurance for the Board. Michael Everett seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Economic Development Professional Job Description
The job description was disseminated to various economic development organizations and over e-mail
Long-term Funding Structure
Discussion ensued concerning the potential long-term funding of VCEDC, as follows:
Continued grant from Dept. of Commerce
Communities: either ad valorem or population driven
Grant administration of 10%
Cynda will bring projected revenues for the July meeting and get them to Sherry to present to the
communities for their upcoming budgets.
Discussion ensued for the salary of the ED Professional.
Bylaws Update
There is no information at this time.
ABC Update
There is no additional information at this time.
Payette River Basin Water Trails and Scenic Byway
Cynda reported that Stephen Lord said they do not to be incorporated in order to be under the VCEDC
501(c)3 umbrella. Sherry will find out if D&O insurance will cover them and if there is any fiscal
Strategy 1 – Sector Development
Newsletter is in the works. Discussed future distribution.
Strategy 2 – Local Entrepreneurship
Michael is targeting education classes for the first part of September. Classes will be rotated from North
to South.
Strategy 3 – Asset Development
Housing Trust accomplished a lot at their meeting. They issued a RFP for four houses.
Strategy 4 – Import Substitution
Geothermal – very little activity
Buy it Local – Farm to Table: Michael described potential for West Central Mountains coop.
We need to work together to identify a location to sell local products.
Marketing Data from Ethan Mansfield
Once we hire an ED Professional we will have that person work on the update.
Salary Discussion for ED Pro
Much discussion ensued concerning contract labor, benefits, amounts, and stipends. We will have
$62,000 for salary and expenses until we get additional funds October 1 [Dept. of Commerce – $27,000;
Communities – $12,500; McCall Chamber $2,500; ABC – $20,000] Michael Everett moved to offer
$50,000 for contract labor, no benefits, and no stipends. Jonne Hower seconded the motion. Motion
Cynda Herrick made a motion to hire an attorney to draft a contract, not to exceed $500.00. Scotty
Davenport seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.