VCEDC July 29 th special meeting
The meeting was called to order @ 9:00 am
Present: Cynda Herrick, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Jonne Hower, Rob Terry, Sherry Maupin, Bill
Willey (conference call, Bob Clark, Donna Eggleston) Guest- Randy Shroll
Cynda Herrick made a motion to approve the hiring of Andrew Mentzer as the VCEDC economic
Director. Don Bailey 2 nd the motion.
Discussion was opened by Don Bailey and whether we are hiring an employee vs a contractor. He
presented information for review on his findings that we need to be very careful on verbiage and what
expectations are set if we are hiring a contractor. Discussion was had on his findings and it was agreed
we need to hire a contractor not an employee. Sherry agreed to take the contract that Don had worked
on and revise into a contractor agreement and forward to Council for their approval. It was agreed that
we may need to seek legal Counsel to set this up correctly.
Rob Terry made a motion to allow a Pay Pal account to be set up on the VCEDC website to allow for
registration and payment of the 2016 Economic Summit being held on October 3 rd . Scotty Davenport 2 nd .
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30