Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
July 9, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Idaho First Bank, McCall, Idaho

Members present:  Jonne Hower, Sherry Maupin,  Cami Hedges,  Don Bailey, Nic Swanson, Bill Willey, Rob Terry

Members absent:  Karla Miller, Scotty Davenport

Guests: Larry Magnum, Don Sheriff, Gina Schatterman, Michael Evert, Melissa Hamilton, David Shotwell

Presiding:  Sherry Maupin

Sherry called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed guests and members.

Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports

The minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting were approved.  The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved.

Sub-Committees and Focus Areas

  • Executive Committee

◦      Regarding the vacancy created by David’s resignation from the Council, Sherry reported she had not received a response from Tamarack.  There was general discussion to clarify that there was an expectation that Directors would be involved in the work of the subcommittees and not just attend regular Council meets.

◦      Sherry announced that one of her goals was to be able for the Council to have paid staff.

◦      Sherry reported the Council had received a $3,000 grant from Idaho Power to develop and distribute a county-wide newsletter.  She feels a newsletter would facilitate the Council’s outreach in the County.  Sherry noted that the grant is “re-reimbursable,” meaning we need to expend the funds and be reimbursed by the grant.

◦      Sherry reported she had submitted applications for a Laura Moore Cunningham grant and a LOT grant from the city of Donnelley.

  • Asset Development

◦      The development of the newsletter will be a project of this subcommittee.  Cami and Nic volunteered to work on the newsletter.

◦      Sherry reported on efforts to form a Northern Valley County Recreation District that would have the ability to receive tax funding.  She noted it could be connected with VCEDC and could provide a source of on-going funding.

◦      Sherry reported the city of McCall will revise its Comprehensive Plan next year, which may affect housing and building ordinances.

  • Sector Development subcommittee

◦      Sherry reported she distributed the VCEDC brochure at the Payette River Games.

◦      With respect to a local Housing Trust, there have been meetings among the local communities and the county.

  • Local Entrepreneurship

◦      No activities to report.

  • Import Substitution

◦      Rob reported the next step for the development of Cascade’s geothermal resource would be a geophysical data analysis.  He will be working USDA Rural Development to pursue funding.

◦      Southern Valley County Recreation District expects to seek bids for construction of the pool complex later this fall.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

  • Don reported the Midas board meeting will be held August 5-7 here in Valley County.  Midas expects to submit a Plan of Operations to the Forest Service for approval later this year.
  • Bill announced that the location of the McCall recycling center would need to be moved due to the planned expansion of the Springs Apartment complex.
  • Larry Mangum announced the Idaho Search and Rescue winter meeting will be in Valley County.

Meeting adjourned 5:30 pm