Valley County Economic Development Council
January 22, 2013, 4-6 pm
Cascade City Hall
105 S. Main Street
Members present: David Papiez, Nic Swanson, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Karla Miller, Rob Terry, Bill Willey
Members absent: David Carey
Non-members present: Carrie Rushby
Presiding: David Papiez
David Papiez called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed new member Nic Swanson who was appointed by the city of McCall as the Director to the Council
The minutes of the December 18, 2013 VCEDC meeting were approved as presented.
New Business
- Ken Minshall Resignation and Replacement: David announced Ken Minshall’s resignation from VCDED due to his relocation, effective January 11, 2014. David is seeking a replacement who will represent the city of Donnelley.
- Don Bailey’s Appointment as an At-Large Director: David moved and Rob seconded a motion to accept Don Bailey’s appointment as an At-Large Director. The motion was approved by voice vote.
- Valley County Extension Agent Replacement Update: Bill gave an update on the Valley County Extension Agent replacement. An interview with a well-qualified candidate is scheduled for January 24, 2011.
Sub Committee Updates
- Incorporation Committee – David reported the Incorporation papers were filed with the Secretary of the State of Idaho
- Bylaw Review & Adoption – Rob moved and Karla seconded a motion to approve the Bylaws as presented at the January 22, 2014 meeting. The motion was approved by roll call vote:
Karla Miller: yes
David Papiez: yes
Nic Swanson: yes
Jonne Hower: yes
Rob Terry: yes
Don Bailey: yes
Scotty Davenport: yes
Bill Willey: yes
David will scan and email a copy to all VCEDC members.
- Nomination & Election of Council Officers – Karla nominated David Papiez for the office of President, David accepted the nomination. Scotty nominated Rob Terry for the office of Treasurer, Rob accepted the nomination. Karla nominated Jonne Hower for the office of Secretary, Jonne accepted the nomination.
As there were no further nominations for the offices, the officers were elected by acclamation to their positions.
- 501(c)(3) Application Review & Update – Jonne reported she has prepared a draft of the application and will add information from the approved By-Laws. She noted a budget is required in the application package; Rob said he would prepare a proposed budget. David suggested a subcommittee meet to finalize the application and prepare it for action at the February VCDEC meeting. The subcommittee will meet at David’s office, 3:00 pm, February 7, 2014. David noted that this committee may evolve to become a VCEDC funding (grant procurement) subcommittee.
- VCEC Bank Account –
◦ David reported the EIN is expected to be issued next week.
◦ David and Rob will open a bank account for VCEDC. The initial deposit of $2,500 was donated by the City of McCall.
Don moved and David seconded a motion that would require two VCEDC officers to sign checks. suggested the checking account require 2 signatures. Discussion followed. Motion was approved by voice vote.
- Municipal Adoption Process
◦ Rob reported this was on the Cascade City Council agenda for January 21
Project Updates
- Business Plan Competition– Karla reported there are 9 submissions for the Business Plan contest. She reported a judging panel has been finalized. All entrants will have an opportunity to present their business ideas at the March 1 Business Fair to be held at McCall/Donnelly High School from 1-3:30. She said they have invited other businesses to attend and encouraged the members of the VCEDC to attend as well.
Karla noted the need for an additional $1,000 for prize money. David reported that Tamarack would make a $500 donation.
- Energy Committee – Rob reported they are still waiting on data analysis and report from the geologist.
Following discussion, it was informally agreed that the Energy sub-committee did not need a separate 501 (c) 3 designation.
- Website Management– Karla and David reported they had learned to update the VCDEC website. Following discussion, it was informally decided to seek website hosting independent from the Cooperative Extension Service.
- Watershed Advisory Group (North Fork Payette WAG) – David reported the Idaho DEQ is moving forward to consolidate the WAGs along the Payette River into a Basin Advisory Group (BAG). There isn’t yet a timeline for this process.
SWOT Survey
- David and Jonne reported they had met to begin the SWOT analysis for the Idaho Dept, of Commerce. David asked that any updates be provided so there could be a consolidated response from the VCEDC. There was informal discussion of some items to be added.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- Karla reported Alpine Theater would present three one-act plays
- Bill reported he would participate in Sharley’s Plunge during the McCall Winter Carnival
- The next VCEDC meeting will be February 26, 2014 in Donnelley
- There was no public input
David adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm.