Valley County Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: February 4, 2016
Location: McCall IFB
Time- 4:00- 6:00 pm
Agenda: Welcome visitors & Guests
- Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports
- Budget 2016
- Executive Committee updates:
- Grant writing updates
- Update on ED professional-
- Executive Committee to write job description
- Update from Dept of Commerce training- Sherry
- ASAP update- Melissa Hamilton report
- Subcommittee updates
- Sector #1 Sector Development-Sherry, Don, Mike, Cynda
- Newsletter updates Sherry
- Possibility of getting an email data base started
- Facebook page started
- Annual business planning summit (ABC plan and funding sources)
- West Central Mountains Recreation District Sherry- update
- Every 3 years recreation summit 2016 Summer rec survey (Fall 2016 summit)
- Marketing campaign that covers the West Central Mountains
- Sector #2 Local Entrepreneurship- Mike, Sherry
- Upcoming classes
- Cover Job fairs-advertise and promote
- Promote the West Central Mountains Leadership Academy
- Sector #3 Asset Development- Don, Bill, Scotty and Karla, Bob Tracy, Cynda, Bob GIles
- Don update on lawyer view points on separate 501 c3 needed
- Housing Trust
- Sector #4 Import Substitution- Scotty, Jonne and Rob
- ABC Update and invitation
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments
- Headwaters Economics tool for Economic Profile Systems. Melissa Hamilton