WCMEDC, alongside regional partners and the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IDAEYC), has conducted an initial needs assessment to determine the scope of both early childhood education (preschool/curriculum based) gaps and daycare gaps across the region. This project is being funded thanks to a grant from IDAEYC. The team, including area childcare and education providers, community health advocates and business leaders, conducted a two surveys to capture the perspectives of both existing service providers and parents. These surveys were informed by guidelines issued by the Idaho Policy Institute as well as a third party consultant, ACS. The outcomes were fascinating, and we were able to reasonably quantify the need for additional capacity across the region. THE INITIAL REPORT IS LINKED HERE

The next step in our discussion is to lay out a strategic plan to enhance capacity based on data and outcomes. Keep an eye out for the supplemental strategic plan later in 2020.