West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
December 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
2024 Strategic Planning Session
December 12, 2023 2:30pm
Valley County EOC Building, 108 W Spring St, Cascade, ID
No Executive Session due to 2024 Strategic Planning Session. Let the record reflect the delicious holiday snacks and goodies celebrated by the Board.
Board Members In attendance: Sherry Maupin, Julie Good, Dylan Martin, Cynda Herrick, Belinda Provancher, Joni Osterman, Joel Ockunzzi, Rachel Wessel, Kelly Hill
Guests in attendance: Lindsey Harris, Trace McKellips, and Jerry Miller joined by Zoom.
Board Meeting 2:30pm
- Call to Order at 2:42pm
- Approval of Amended December Agenda ACTION ITEM.
- Motion by Julie, 2nd by Joni. Motion passes.
- Additions to Amended Agenda: Trace’s contract/compensation & early learning materials budget.
- Approval of November Minutes ACTION ITEM
- Confirmed attendance of November’s meeting before approval
- Motion by Sherry, Cynda 2nd. Motion passes.
- Treasurer’s report
- Approval of December Treasurer’s Report ACTION ITEM
- Motion by Sherry, 2nd by Belinda. Motion passes.
- Accounts Receivable review if applicable
- Couple of new invoices from Economic Summit, uncleared check from last year’s summit for Bill, the musician. Lindsey will reach out to Bill to ask what he would like us to do.
- Letter(s) of support: Julie mentioned the TVT grant support letter request. Next month Forrest Stanley will be joining our Board to present on his CTE dissertation and a letter of participation that we will be required to sign per his PhD program. Board will entertain a motion for TVT under “new business.”
- Executive Director Update
- Summit survey results
- Website/Marketing of who we are and what we do; website overhaul; quarterly update in the Star News; also clarifying what we are not. Collateral for board members to present. Perhaps using Menti or other data collection during the summit onsite. Having paper option for survey. Who is in the room survey – ie small business owner, government, etc.
- Executive Items
- Amended Agenda Item Early Childhood Contract & Compensation ACTION ITEM
- Motion by Julie for Trace contract renewal for $45,000 with stipulated resources guide and implementation. Joni 2nd. Motion passes.
- Amended Agenda Item Early Learning Materials Budget Discussion
- Amended Agenda Item Early Childhood Contract & Compensation ACTION ITEM
- Summit survey results
- Approval of December Treasurer’s Report ACTION ITEM
- Trace relayed the proposed plan that 5 learning centers throughout the region each would receive $2,500 through a partnership with Lakeshore Learning. These fund would be used on toys and learning materials. Total use of $12,500 was proposed. Still will need flush out three of the centers and how these funds can and cannot be spent.
- Motion by Dylan for McCall Donnelly Learning Center & Creative Cubs to receive up to $2,500 each for learning materials via the IDAEYC grant funding received. 2nd by Julie. Motion passes.
- Leaves around $10k left for events/materials in our FY24 budget.
- Additional news for early education shared by Mayor Good was that New Meadows received 29/30 scoring on their pre-application to convert the recycling center into a teen center/early childhood center
- 2024 Strategic Planning Session- Use attached agenda planning discussion document & notes taken.
- 2024 budget planning session – see attached proposed draft budget. Board discussion around housing fundraising allocated in the 2024 budget. Board asked for clarification on housing line items specifically to clarify income and expenses used in 2023 and for 2024. Julie will update our insurance line item expense to include the event insurance we now carry.
- Community Reports (Please provide email update due to limited time)
- WCMEDC Updates (Please provide email update due to limited time)
- New Business:
- Motion by Julie, 2nd by Rachel for letter of support for Treasure Valley Transit’s FY25-26 5311 and 5310 rural grant applications and the CARES Act one-time grant application. Julie shared template, Lindsey will reach out to MCT and send final letter to board. Motion passes.
- Public Comment: Jerry Miller was thanked for joining us and helping out our region in the interim while the reconfigure with Kim’s departure. The Board was happy to hear Jerry’s comments about how focused our group was with our strategic planning and the work we are doing.
- Adjournment at 5:15pm. Happy Holidays!
- New Business: