Valley County Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: December 3, 2015
Location: Donnelly City Hall
Time- 4:00- 6:00 pm
Agenda: Welcome visitors & Guests
- Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports
- Executive Committee updates
- Annual meeting Planning
Nomination and Selection of Council Officers
Appointments of County and Municipal Officers
- Strategic Plan Review- waiting until new executive director is in place or review before
- ASAP grant update- Sherry Maupin
- Vote on rewrite of bylaw changes.
If we are redoing the bylaws do we want to include a member from New Meadows and change the Article as well as the Bylaws?
Do we want to rename at this time also if we’re making changes?
- Update on ED pro- $32,000 grant awards with a $15,000 match from the community
- Subcommittee updates
- Sector #1 Sector Development-Sherry, Don, and ….
*NV Recreation District
- Sector #2 Local Entrepreneurship- Jonne and …..
- Sector #3 Asset Development- Sherry, Don, Bill, Scotty and Karla, Cami
* Housing Trust
- Sector #4 Import Substitution- Scotty, Jonne and Rob
Current projects or discussions
- ABC Update
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments