VCEDC Minutes: 11/03/2016 McCall, Idaho–Idaho First Bank Conference Room Underway: @ 4:00pm Present: Blake Watson, Steve Clements (guest), Gene Tyler, Jonne Hower (via phone), Eric Borchers, Scotty Davenport, Rob Terry, Don Bailey, Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Donna Eggleston, Andrew Mentzer Not present: Cami Hedges, Bill Willey, Bob Giles ● Steve Clements might be interested in participating, on occasion, in an advisory role ● Gene Tyler made an introduction around the table ● Treasurer’s report ○ Income YTD needs to be reworked slightly, working on tidying up operating expenses and allocating future funds for projects ○ Long term funding forthcoming ○ ABC funds only allocated for initiatives that VCEDC is responsible for ○ Idaho Power has been instrumental in operating on a bare bones basis for last 3 years ○ Each community contributes based on assessed home values for their area ○ Some funds are earmarked. ○ Motion to approve Treasurer’s report, seconded, approved ● Motion to appoint Gene Tyler as Donnelly Chamber member of VCEDC, seconded, approved ● Andrew clarified bylaws and articles language, Sherry elaborated on org. Structure for new members ● Motion to approved Donna Eggleston as At-large member, seconded, approved ● Blake was asked who he would represent–Idaho Power, no perceived conflicts ● Motion to approve Blake Watson as At-large member, seconded, approved ● Minutes from October ○ Don asked for clarification about the forthcoming discussion regarding the housing authority versus a housing trust–Andrew and Sherry clarify that this conversation is strictly informational ○ Jonne requested information on how the housing trust will be separated from VCEDC–further clarification that this conversation is just conversational at this point ● Moved to approve the minutes, seconded, approved ● Andrew shared info on PTAC funding possibility for VCEDC ○ Administer contracts for federal contracts ■ Helps businesses grow ■ Funding source ○ Leverage HUBZone status in Valley County ○ Forestry summit might present further discussion for federal partnership ○ Gene has worked with HUBZones, guaranteed contracts, small businesses, women owned businesses–volunteered to help ● ED Report ○ Eric would like to participate in marketing meeting ○ An expanded housing ordinance might align with housing trust–discussion to be considered at Nov. 30 meeting ○ Sherry will send Andrew another business contact to follow up with ○ Sherry working with SBA on soft skills training ○ Networking opportunities for telecommuters–social network and in person ○ Frontier data on who would be appropriate but may be private information ○ Developers could bring fiber to subdivisions and market it as an amenity ○ Updated fiber forthcoming in Cascade from Cable One ○ VCEDC as insurance provider ■ Andrew can ask Chris Maurice, Associated General Contractors might be a resource as well ○ Board training opportunities ■ Learn about how other EDC’s are funded and train staff ■ What is a board’s role? ■ Legal scope of organization–review of articles for better undersatnding of what we can and should be doing ○ Andrew will forward bylaws and articles tomorrow with weekly report ○ Annual meeting ■ Moved to have Annual meeting in january (5th) ■ Retreat-style event noon to 6pm ● Strategy meeting ● Planning review of previous and forthcoming initiatives ● Officer election ○ Scotty asked for a briefing on McCall’s $5,000 participation ■ Andrew working with the City to identify some target projects ■ Jonne concerned that strings are attached. How does council seek and accept funding going forward? ○ Additional considerations for the Annual Meeting ■ Summit side conversations ● Scotty–Terry Gestrin: provide a point person (liaison) to help communities navigate policy, business and infrastructure realities ● Entitlement professional could be the lead on new development ● Are communities business friendly? ● ABC is up to speed, apart from Forestry summit in January (forthcoming) ● Sector development: Newsletter list purchase: TBD–Andrew follow up with Blake on funding and secure pricing for delivery ● Motion to use a portion of Idaho Power grant to develop email list and social media outreach, if approved by Idaho Power, seconded, approved ● Housing trust meeting next week, nothing to report ● Asset Development–MOSS investment $39mm project. Eric noted tapping into Midas Gold as a community investment project/strategic alignment ● Revisited Steubner video budget–further discussion during ASAP marketing meeting ● ASAP meetings forthcoming to discuss sector strengths and strategies ● Andrew @ IEDA Conference next week–limited access to email/phone ● New members send Andrew bios for website Adjourned at 5:59pm
Take our Regional Housing Needs Survey
We hope that you can take this short survey (approximately 10 minutes) to help inform our assessment, but perhaps more importantly we would like to request that you share this survey broadly with your network in the West Central Mountains. Your responses are anonymous and will be analyzed by a third-party consultant. There is also a Spanish version available as well. The survey will remain open through February 19th.
Take the survey here:
Current Board Members
Lindsey Harris (Executive Director)
Trace McKellips (Program Manager)
Dylan Martin (President)
Joni Osterman (Vice President)
Vonna Torrey (Secretary)
Julie Good (Treasurer)
Sherry Maupin
Joel Ockunzzi
Linnea Hall
Cynda Herrick
Judith Nissula
Delta James
Rachel Wessel
Belinda Provancher