VCEDC Minutes: 11/03/2016 McCall, Idaho–Idaho First Bank Conference Room Underway: @ 4:00pm Present: Blake Watson, Steve Clements (guest), Gene Tyler, Jonne Hower (via phone), Eric Borchers, Scotty Davenport, Rob Terry, Don Bailey, Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Donna Eggleston, Andrew Mentzer Not present: Cami Hedges, Bill Willey, Bob Giles ● Steve Clements might be interested in participating, on occasion, in an advisory role ● Gene Tyler made an introduction around the table ● Treasurer’s report ○ Income YTD needs to be reworked slightly, working on tidying up operating expenses and allocating future funds for projects ○ Long term funding forthcoming ○ ABC funds only allocated for initiatives that VCEDC is responsible for ○ Idaho Power has been instrumental in operating on a bare bones basis for last 3 years ○ Each community contributes based on assessed home values for their area ○ Some funds are earmarked. ○ Motion to approve Treasurer’s report, seconded, approved ● Motion to appoint Gene Tyler as Donnelly Chamber member of VCEDC, seconded, approved ● Andrew clarified bylaws and articles language, Sherry elaborated on org. Structure for new members ● Motion to approved Donna Eggleston as At-large member, seconded, approved ● Blake was asked who he would represent–Idaho Power, no perceived conflicts ● Motion to approve Blake Watson as At-large member, seconded, approved ● Minutes from October ○ Don asked for clarification about the forthcoming discussion regarding the housing authority versus a housing trust–Andrew and Sherry clarify that this conversation is strictly informational ○ Jonne requested information on how the housing trust will be separated from VCEDC–further clarification that this conversation is just conversational at this point ● Moved to approve the minutes, seconded, approved ● Andrew shared info on PTAC funding possibility for VCEDC ○ Administer contracts for federal contracts ■ Helps businesses grow ■ Funding source ○ Leverage HUBZone status in Valley County ○ Forestry summit might present further discussion for federal partnership ○ Gene has worked with HUBZones, guaranteed contracts, small businesses, women owned businesses–volunteered to help ● ED Report ○ Eric would like to participate in marketing meeting ○ An expanded housing ordinance might align with housing trust–discussion to be considered at Nov. 30 meeting ○ Sherry will send Andrew another business contact to follow up with ○ Sherry working with SBA on soft skills training ○ Networking opportunities for telecommuters–social network and in person ○ Frontier data on who would be appropriate but may be private information ○ Developers could bring fiber to subdivisions and market it as an amenity ○ Updated fiber forthcoming in Cascade from Cable One ○ VCEDC as insurance provider ■ Andrew can ask Chris Maurice, Associated General Contractors might be a resource as well ○ Board training opportunities ■ Learn about how other EDC’s are funded and train staff ■ What is a board’s role? ■ Legal scope of organization–review of articles for better undersatnding of what we can and should be doing ○ Andrew will forward bylaws and articles tomorrow with weekly report ○ Annual meeting ■ Moved to have Annual meeting in january (5th) ■ Retreat-style event noon to 6pm ● Strategy meeting ● Planning review of previous and forthcoming initiatives ● Officer election ○ Scotty asked for a briefing on McCall’s $5,000 participation ■ Andrew working with the City to identify some target projects ■ Jonne concerned that strings are attached. How does council seek and accept funding going forward? ○ Additional considerations for the Annual Meeting ■ Summit side conversations ● Scotty–Terry Gestrin: provide a point person (liaison) to help communities navigate policy, business and infrastructure realities ● Entitlement professional could be the lead on new development ● Are communities business friendly? ● ABC is up to speed, apart from Forestry summit in January (forthcoming) ● Sector development: Newsletter list purchase: TBD–Andrew follow up with Blake on funding and secure pricing for delivery ● Motion to use a portion of Idaho Power grant to develop email list and social media outreach, if approved by Idaho Power, seconded, approved ● Housing trust meeting next week, nothing to report ● Asset Development–MOSS investment $39mm project. Eric noted tapping into Midas Gold as a community investment project/strategic alignment ● Revisited Steubner video budget–further discussion during ASAP marketing meeting ● ASAP meetings forthcoming to discuss sector strengths and strategies ● Andrew @ IEDA Conference next week–limited access to email/phone ● New members send Andrew bios for website Adjourned at 5:59pm