West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2017 from 4pm – 6pm
Valley County Courthouse, Cascade, Idaho
Members in Attendance: Sherry Maupin (President), Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Bob Giles, Scotty Davenport, Eric Borchers (telephonically), Donald Bailey, Judy Nissula, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent: Cami Hedges, Blake Watson, and Bill Willey.
Guests: Lin Davis and Linnea Hall.
Maupin opened the meeting and welcomed the guests.
Treasurer’s Report: Tyler presented the Treasurer’s Report dated May 4, 2017 and appended. Bob moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Cynda seconded the motion, and motion carried.
Budget & tax discussion: Taxes have to be filed by May 15. Anticipate expenditure of $200 to $1,000 will be charged for filing an extension for reporting to August. The Housing Trust will pay their portion. Cynda moved to allocate up to $1,000 for Lamm & Assoc. to do tax filing. Bob seconded the motion, motion carried.
Scotty stated he would like to see insurance documents that cover the Council members.
Minutes: Bob moved to approve the minutes from April 6, 2017, Scotty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
City of McCall minutes revision request: 11/3/16 meeting paraphrase on Albertson’s CEO–City is requesting that this be stricken from the record, as it misrepresents the experience Albertsons had in permitting according to their representative. It was decided that we need to collaborate with each community. The comment made by Representative Gestrin was taken out of context and was immaterial. Cynda moved to strike tht portion of the minutes as it is immaterial and a waste of time to continue to discuss. Gene seconded the motion. Giles commented it only took twenty minutes to approve. Motion carried.
Long-term funding structures: Will ask each community to donate of a percentage of market value. Valley County has committed to $16,000.
Outreach plan and calling list: The appended list of the larger business organizations within the community was discussed. Other ED councils have investors. Eric asked what a reasonable request would be. Discussed the range of contributions and whether we wanted to “name” them as Foundational, Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc. Council members chose who they would approach for contributions. Andrew will write up a call sheet. We will also have a sponsorship booth at the Economic Summit in October.
EDPro Grant from Commerce–Andrew & Sherry: Andrew is putting the grant application together.
ABC next steps and community foundation formation: Sherry summarized what the intention behind the formation of the foundation entailed. The idea is that the foundation would function under the umbrella of the WCMEDC 501(c)3 until the foundation could be formed. There are a number of businesses and benefactors who want to contribute to the West Central Mountains Foundation. The mission of the foundation would be to raise money and use the interest for grant requests that further the 6 elements in the West Central Mountains Economic Development Strategy. It would be a separate board. The ABC steering committee will give a recommendation on how they would like to proceed.
Andrew on Valley County Pathways Board and Ponderosa Pavilion Board: There was support from the council for Andrew to be on these boards. Andrew is contract labor, not an employee. Andrew was cautioned not to get caught in the “death by committee” spiral.
Council membership: (The Council went into an executive session for discussion.)
Lin’s addition: Appointed with a change in the bylaws.
Linnea’s addition: Appointed with a change in the bylaws.
Tom Greco: Cynda moved to appoint as an at-large member from the Cascade area. Scotty seconded. Motion carried.
Judy Nissula and Kathy Hull: Gene moved to appoint as a shared position for the City of Cascade. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried.
It was moved, seconded and carried to allow $500 for an attorney to amend the bylaws and articles of incorporation to allow 2 at-large members from the Meadows Valley area.
Strategy 1 – JOBS – nothing added
2017 Economic Summit planning
Apprenticeships update: STRAP and CWI
Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
ED/education portal: proposal and grant funds (Umpqua, Idaho Power, City of McCall $5k May 25) – Cynda moved to allow Andrew to submit a letter to the City of McCall for their $5,000 dollar contribution. Eric seconded. Motion carried.
Bill Doty, web portal builder.
Cascade adventure biking proposal: Chamber needs a match of $1,000–can get creative on how this comes together. Gene moved to allocate up to $1,000 match for the $7,500 Idaho Travel Council grant. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Pathways: Andrew stated he is working with Valley County Road department on potential for single track paths in the rights-of-way.
Strategy 4 – PROSPERITY
ASAP presentation by Melissa: Sherry asked Melissa to prepare an Executive Summary of the findings of the ASAP study and to postpone the presentation to the June meeting.
ED Report: to be continued.
Businesses; New Market Tax Credit Program
Woody Biomass
Ponderosa Center
Rustic Inn
Book store
Hostel/sound studio
Nothing new to report
water trails
scenic byways
Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments
Scotty made a closing statement: “Scotty’s Philosophy” – Scotty talked about the number of jobs in the Star News and the lack of housing. There is approximately a 24:1 ratio. Jackson Hole will never catch up.