West Central Mountains Economic Development Council

Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2017 from 4pm – 6pm

Donnelly City Hall, Donnelly, Idaho


Members in Attendance: , Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Bob Giles, Scotty Davenport, Eric Borchers (telephonically), Donald Bailey, Jonne Hower, Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).

Members Absent: Sherry Maupin (President), Rob Terry, Blake Watson, Cami Hedges, Bill Willey, and Donna Eggleston.

Guests: None


Due to Sherry Maupin’s absence, Cynda Herrick facilitated the meeting. Herrick opened the meeting.


Davenport interjected to change the agenda. He asked if everyone had seen the Star News opinion, Tamarack needs an intervention, dated Thursday, March 2, 2017. He explained that the Star News challenged the county commissioners and this economic development board to approach state agencies to consider using alternative funding sources for IDEQ bond repayments due from Tamarack Resort – resulting in a potential restructuring. The majority concurred. Herrick stated that she would have it placed on the county commissioner’s agenda for March 6, 2017.


Treasurer’s Report: Tyler presented the Treasurer’s Report dated February 28, 2017, as appended. Davenport moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Bailey seconded, and the motion carried.


Minutes: Tyler moved to approve the minutes from February 2, 2017, Giles seconded the motion. Mentzer stated he will update all branding items (website. etc.) with the new Vision Statement. Motion carried.

Update on Long-Term Funding Structure:

Mentzer explained he is working with Dennis on a trifold and template. He also addressed the following:

  • How are we going to engage business?
  • What is our hook?
  • Call for donations vs. membership
  • Large companies, growth companies, companies that can benefit from our offerings


ABC Update:

  • March 29 is the final submission date.
  • Project leads are finalizing their initiatives.
  • Described some projects: housing trust, etc.
  • The big reveal is on April 19, 2017.


Strategy 1 – JOBS

Woody Biomass/Forest Summit was a success. It will be continued each year. Will continue to be engaged with the biomass initiative–hoping to get a technical assistance grant from Idaho National Lab. The difficult part of woody biomass is a constant/consistent supply chain.


Mentzer is meeting with Midas Gold, St. Lukes, Department of Labor on March 15. If Midas gets their permits they will need approximately 500 skilled professionals. He is looking for training opportunities for local talent and opportunities to convert existing skill sets from similar industries. St. Lukes needs MA’s, LPN’s and CNA’s – trying to set up a training program. 


Tyler submitted a paper on Veteran Engagement – benefits of hiring military retirees. The paper addressed “Why Veterans/Military Retirees are Important to Our Communities”, dated 2 March 2017. Benefits: they already have a stable income, are young, educated work ethics, etc. [appended]. We could do a live-work brochure and submit it at key locations on the internet to attract/recruit military personnel – conduct an awareness campaign – send to the Idaho Guard – place an article in military magazines – sponsor retreat for military families – potential mentors and entrepreneurs.


Strategy 2 – EDUCATION

Computers were purchased for incubator and makerspace locations.


Junior Achievement – Mentzer remains engaged to benefit the youth. It is an extracurricular activity for students.


Mentzer is crating and education portal on the website:

  • Opportunity for adult education or junior education opportunities.
  • Provides access to paths of education.
  • Points people to education opportunities – “the door”.



Donnelly Pathways challenge is the need for right-of-way. Herrick explained that the county’s opinion is that there would have to be ROW purchased. Discussion ensued concerning attached paths, detached paths, etc.


SWITA is going out for ITC grants–may be an opportunity to align with them for broader pathways infrastructure (like Big Loop).


Steve Stuebner is almost done with the update to the Valley County Master Pathways Plan which includes each community’s individual plan.


The Housing Trust met on March 1 and the following was reported on the 4 units in Donnelly that will close today – they will be ready for occupancy in April:

  • Idaho Housing Corporation will be the property management company and there will be an income requirement.
  • Units are being updated with LED, insulation, water.
  • Property in Cascade will be sold to purchase 2 other properties in Cascade.


There was a meeting with Clearwater Economic Davelopment Assn. (CEDA) – explanation of Idaho Council of Governments and Grants.


Working with the long-term strategic plan for outreach donations, etc.


Mentzer will write a letter of endorsement to Idaho Dept. of Parks and Recreation to include our geographic corridor for trail maintenance in the Trails Stewardship program (federal).



ASAP final report is completed but is not public yet.


The Newsletter was sent to 181 e-mails and there were 70+ hits on the website. People have to sign up. Roughly 300 people engeged on Facebook as well.


ED Report

Mentzer stated we did not get the Robert Wood Foundation grant.


Received notice that the EDC helped Midas win a prestigious award that will remain unnamed until announced in late March/early April.


Business cards were hanged out to all.


Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments:

Hower stated that Mentzer has been with us for six months and would like to do a review of the work done. A committee of Maupin, Hower, and Tyler will analyze metrics.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:00 p.m.