Approved by proxy vote January 24, 2020:

West Central Mountains Economic Development Council

Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2020, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

EOC in Cascade


Members in Attendance:  Jill Chapman (President), Dylan Martin (Vice-President), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Julie Good (Treasurer), Lindsay Harris (telephonically), Sherry Maupin, Linnea Hall, Gene Tyler, Nicole Musgrove, Judy Nissula, Thom Sowers, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).


Members Absent:  Patty Wold


Welcome visitors & guests:  Delta James and Mary Rosen


Invoices/thank you’s for the month


o 2019 outstanding items – Executive team created new account structures. 7 different accounts are proposed. All donations will be invoiced out to the different donors through Quickbooks.


o 2020 invoice scheduling: Sherry, Andrew and Julie will identify who to invoice.


  • Treasurer’s report (ACTION ITEM) – Cynda moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Sherry seconded, motion carried.


  • Board collateral items for discussion/approval (ACTION ITEMS)

o Name tags and business cards – Sherry moved to approve the purchase of nametags up to $300 and business cards as needed. Dylan seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  • Approval of December minutes (ACTION ITEM) – Sherry moved to approve the minutes, Linnea seconded, motion carried.


  • Community reports: Cascade, Donnelly, McCall, New Meadows, Valley County


–      Cascade: has IPDES discharge permit; approval from the Chamber to do HDTV town renovation; putting in a screen at the sewer lagoons; DEQ facilities study on the water system; new code enforcement and building inspector; there are 2 new airport hangars; and Frost Property Management is putting new manufactured housing at Terrace Hills.


  • Donnelly: there are two new restaurants, Growlers and Hungry Bear.


  • New Meadows: lots of planning going on; will be drilling a new well; holiday decorations were great – gave away 15 Christmas trees; and there is a new ambulance.


  • Valley County:  starting road information meetings tonight in McCall – a “listening tour”; new visioning and strategic management effort; we are STAR (Service-Transparency-Accountability-Responsive); will be doing a SWOT Analysis, needs assessment, and Capital Improvement Plan; snowmobile ordinances and parking lot guidelines with long-term strategy; expanding recreation program.


  • Discussion of board 2020 survey results: 5 board members took the survey; e-mail is preferred communication tool. The board has a diverse skill set but most folks have a strong interest in education and workforce development.


  • Adoption of 2020 budget categories (including new ledgers and structure) and work plan (ACTION ITEMS): laid out and presented work plan. Dylan moved to approve the 2020 Strategic Work Plan, Sherry seconded. Motion carried.


  • Approval of new bank account signers: Jill Morris-Chapman, Dylan Martin, removal of Sherry Maupin (ACTION ITEM): Nicole moved to remove Sherry Maupin as a signer and add Dylan Martin and Jill Morris-Chapman as signers and authorizers on the Idaho First Bank checking and savings accounts for the Valley County Economic Development Council, DBA West Central Mountains Economic Development Council. Linnea seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  • Discussion/approval of 2020 fundraising plan (ACTION ITEM): Andrew presented the proposed 2020 Fundraising Framework. Need a strategy of how to propose. Will develop a subcommittee. Nicole would like to be on this subcommittee.


  • Discussion about subcommittee structures for 2020: Tracking of outreach and participation in subcommittee. Cynda will do a spreadsheet to track members in subcommittees based on the work plan. Other subcommittees: fundraising, summit, marketing, recreation, grants.


  • Letters/requests (ACTION ITEMS): Dylan moved to approve and Sherry seconded writing of 3 support letters: Weiser River trail maintenance and Lortz Trestle, and Horizons/Cascade for Strand paving grants. Motion carried. Additional motion to approve submittal of a grant request for $750 to Idaho Power for professional development funding. Julie moved, Gene seconded, motion carried.


  • McCall 2020 contract review/approval (ACTION ITEM): Andrew reviewed 4 work items highlighted in the McCall 2020 contract. Cynda moved to approve and authorize signatures, Julie seconded. Motion carried.


  • CUB nonprofit mixer and ICF outreach: was a small crew due to the holiday, but good discussions were had about engaging nonprofits. 


  • Senior project funding from Operation Facelift remnant project dollars: a lot of discussion–WCMEDC will give $200 to each school district for senior projects as funds are available from the Facelift budget. Will set parameters that meet our bylaws ie community improvement project. Andrew will draft a letter for review and approval of process.


  • Economic Summit 2020 location discussion and approval (ACTION ITEM): Discussed 2 locations–SHore Lodge and Tamarack. Gene moved and Dylan seconded to have the summit at Tamarack this year. Motion included authorization for Jill to sign the contract and submit deposit. Motion carried.


  • Monument signs 2.0: Will review costs and ask the Board of County Commissioners if sign can be placed at Wellington. Will ask New Meadows for their recommended locations. Will get official agreement from Payette River National Scenic Byway to move this project forward.


  • Packer John Tree update: Linnea will let Andrew know where and when.


  • Cascade seasonal wayfinding update: working with Mountain Transit to move people around Cascade from the boat ramp to parking lots during peak season to alleviate parking issues.


  • Grants updates

o NPS recreational/trails assistance – met with Barbara Rice to do a half day workshop in the spring. Collecting survey results for the next few weeks.


o Northlake – county will sign the MOU soon to move this project into design.


o Weiser River Trail: GEM, USDA, IWBA – looking for $50K, authorized grant writing for various programs to aggregate funding.


o Idaho Women’s Charitable Fund–TBD 2020


  • Strategy 1 – JOBS

o Cascade SBA training in April – for entrepreneurs starting seasonal business, April 21 in Cascade.


  • Strategy 2 – EDUCATION

o Update on BSU meetings – will be on Thursday, follow up meetings in McCall Feb 13



o Broadband update–legislature/new broadband office – will discuss after legislative session


o Recycling update–single use plastics/chamber – working with McCall and Valley County




Next Meeting in Donnelly on February 11 from 3-5. 

Executive team will meet at 2:30. 

At Donnelly City Hall.