West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2019, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Tamarack Resort
Members in Attendance: Sherry Maupin (President), Cynda Herrick (Secretary, VP), Julie Good (Treasurer), Lindsay Harris/Jill Chapman, Linnea Hall, Gene Tyler, Nicole Musgrove, Dylan Martin, Patty Wold, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent: Judy Nissula and Thom Sowers.
Welcome visitors & guests: Delta James
11am – 11:30am: Introduction from Hayley at Tamarack and proposal review for facilities use
Downstream. Hayley, Corporate Sales Manager, introduced herself. She informed the board that they catered groups, weddings, etc. Would like to host the Summit for up to 200 people. The opening day for skiing is December 15.
11:30 – noon: Board elections – Sherry talked about matters that should be considered as part of the transition to a new president:
- Missing component from the recreation community. Sherry has talked to Tamarack and brought up David Papiez.
- We are also missing the hospitality component because David Carey left.
- We need a bookkeeper instead of Julie doing the work as the Treasurer.
- Ready for someone to take over as the President.
- Financially in much better spot, but will have challenges.
- Sherry will stay on as the Valley County member.
- Heather/Judy board position (ACTION ITEM): Julie moved to accept Heather’s resignation. Gene seconded. Motion carried. Gene moved to appoint Judy Nissula to the WCMEDC board as the representative from the City of Cascade. Dillon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- President nominations and vote (ACTION ITEM): Jill is interested in accepting the nomination as the President. Listed her qualifications. Nicole moved to appoint Jill as the President. Linnea seconded. Motion carried.
- Secretary nominations and vote (ACTION ITEM): Julie moved to appoint Cynda as the Secretary. Patty seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer nominations and vote (ACTION ITEM): Discussion concerning the responsibilities for the budget and to remain fiscally responsible. Offered up Shannon Fairchild as a possible New Meadows representative.
Future discussion of moving the meeting from the first week to the third or fourth and perhaps a different day so as to accommodate busy schedules.
Nicole moved, Linnea seconded to appoint Julie Good as the Treasurer. Motion carried.
- VP discussion and vote if needed (ACTION ITEM): We need to do the following:
* Groom someone for President and to be on the Executive Committee.
* We need to start fund raising and training.
* Need to look at how we are going to grow.
* Andrew will be saturated.
* Perhaps we should look for a grant writer.
* Vice President should take on a fund raising role. A concern is on-going fund raising.
* Discussion concerning benefits for the Economic Development Director.
* Start conversation with PERSI and Dept. of Commerce.
* Dillon is interested in being the VP, but concerned with his work load. Idaho Power supports his efforts.
* Cynda moved, Linnea seconded to appoint Dillon as the Vice President. Motion carried.
Discussion about if Andrew is compensated comparably with others in his profession? Sherry commented that when he was hired a comparison was done.
Andrew joined the meeting.
Discussed Lindsay as a full-time position and Jill as full-time instead of sharing the position. Dillon moved to approve, Gene seconded. Motion carried.
Sherry will now be the Valley County representative and not an At Large member. Julie moved to approve, Jill seconded. Motion carried.
Need a roster of each council member and who they represent.
Patty moved, Nicole seconded to move Jill from the Chamber representative to an At Large member. Motion carried.
Noon – 1pm: Working lunch and regular monthly business agenda:
- Treasurer’s report (ACTION ITEM): Julie presented. Will be doing invoices in the coming year. Discussed moving amounts from one ledger to another, as follows:
* move Parks and Rec to Pathways
* leave monuments signs
* leave asphalt
* leave Scenic Byway
* Operation Facelift could be a senior project with high schools
* leave wayfinding for future use
* Cascade Medical – need to make sure unrestricted to workforce development–verify grant closure
* Adventure Biking to Executive Director salary line item
* ED Portal to technology or workforce development
* will update and merge with 2020 budget
Dillon moved and Gene seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
- Approval of Nov. minutes (ACTION ITEM): Jill moved and Patty seconded motion to approve the minutes for November 7, 2019. Motion carried.
- Letters/requests: Andrew will write a letter to support Singletrack Sidewalks for Valley County P&Z.
- Community reports:
Cascade: flower boxes in engaging citizens ownership of downtown, tree lights are up, new business are cleaning up, very active chamber, improve sports park (disc golf and bmx track), redo infields with red dirt, ITD speed study, marina. Discussed ITD, Impact Fees, and Strategic Plans.
Donnelly: two new restaurants, pizza place, mobile RV repairs, heavy diesel repairs, Christmas in Donnelly, and trying to get a city representative to join the EDC board.
McCall: described downtown work and new ordinances underway. Touched on 2020 EDC contract.
New Meadows: ITD required all lines be replaced. They have had over 90 water quality tests done this year. Shilo Reider is new City Council. Redoing technology plan and Comp Plan, Transporttion Plan. Citizen group working on two kiosks.
Lindsay reported on McCall Chamber – lights are up, doing a SBD training, raffling a snowmobile, recycling, Mtn. Holiday Events, and Winter Carnival.
Valley County is working on the Strategic Plan then the Capital Improvement Plan; AHMP will be done in 3 months. Discussed Housing, Lake Cascade algae bloom and will have a public hearing on roads; discussed opioid addiction. Road levy failed, will be out of funds in 2023.
- Thank you letter team: will standardize – can set up with QuickBooks. Julie, Nicole and Andrew will work together on this.
- Boise State in Valley/Adams (UPDATE): After Workforce Analysis, GAP, BSU will deploy extended studies. CWI and other partners likely to be engaged. Need to be advocates–commit to January 16 and February 13 meetings. Andrew assembling a 10 person team.
1pm – 2:45pm: Strategic plan review and work session
- Review of 2019 Year in Review doc
Review of 2019 Year in Review. Discussed 10-15% population growth; highest employment growth county in Idaho; 3.7% unemployment. Andrew presented additional info. 2019 was very successful. Discussed offering Andrew for hire.
- Discussion about proposed 2020 strategy:
Shared space discussion and marketing of flex space – mapping.
Discussed charging stations.
National Park Service will do technical assistance for a recreation conversation.
- Broad stakeholder asset for Algae bloom: BOR/IDPR vs 319 grants
- Include VAAP–EDC to look into administering nonmotorized elements
Discussed 2020 Framework–will be available for approval in January, along with budget.
Adjourn: 3:05pm