West Central Mountains Economic Development Council

Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2018, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Midas Gold, ID


Members in Attendance:  Sherry Maupin (President), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Eric Borchers, Blake Watson (telephonically), Linnea Hall and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).

Members Absent:  Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Thom Sowers, Julie Good, and Bill Willey.


Guests:  Dave Bingaman, Valley County Commissioner Elect; Nicole Musgrove  


Sherry opened the meeting.


11am – 11:30am: Regular monthly business agenda–rapid fire updates:


  • Board update: Sharon Bixler and Julie Crosby – Letters of resignation were approved by e-mail in a proxy vote to allow a quorum for this meeting.


  • Treasurer’s report: Gene is travelling today. Sherry and Andrew explained the credits. Eric moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Cynda seconded. Motion carried.


  • Approval of October minutes: Eric moved to approve the October minutes as presented. Linnea seconded. Motion carried.


  • IMBA update and $5,550 invoice: Project was $21,500 total grant; $12,500 used; $5,500 this invoice for a windfall of $4,500 for Administrative Revenues.


  • Workforce recruiting via FB, $2,000, KBOI News wants to run a story: This was funded with an Idaho Power grant of $1,500, $500 general marketing from our budget, and $1,000 in-kind. Adventure Biking updated. $1,000 to Jay Petervary. Blake moved to approve, Eric seconded. Motion carried.


  • Woody Biomass update: Andrew exchanged e-mails with Ben Stauss. He will send the preliminary report in January. It will illustrate a go to market the strategy. $5,400 available funding from the county. He is re-scaling the strategy; looking at mulch, compost, wood chip, grease traps, etc. perhaps treat as a public utility. Tasked with finding us an answer as to profitability of use of biomass.


  • Gap analysis update: Have all the data. University of Idaho has requested the BSU data for another project–more partnerships likely. Cascade is likely to be the most receptive for the initial implementation. $9,000 from McCall will be received soon. The analysis is available on our website.


  • ADV biking update: Approval of press release next week. Had to do some re-routes. Traveled the routes with Dave Beck and Mike Cooley. Bobbie Patterson suggested another travel council grant for possible future efforts.


  • Monument sign update: Will not be putting up signs in Adams County. We will put in a sign at Smith’s Ferry. Need to talk to Dave Cummings. Linnea cautioned us to have a maintenance plan. Will prioritize this for 2019.


  • Rec District update:  Sherry submitted 850 signatures for verification and only 479 signatures were approved. Need more than 1000 signatures. Having a meeting on Monday the 10th and will see what the commitment will be at that time.


  • Broadband update, next steps: Have achieved a level of positive exposure with the state. If we want to take this on we need to socialize the public. Perhaps a community fiber platform. We need to do a feasibility study in a manner similar to Ammon. Our challenge is the dispersion of the population within our community. The first step is the conversation.


  • Northlake Sewer upgrade update: Payment authorization from the county of $35,000 was received for the design. Approximately $50,000 will be from a Gem grant, with a total cost of $230,000. Travis with Northlake is taking this to his board to consider the use and financing.


  • Yellowpine water update: $39,500 to fix the leak. Applied for a Gem grant up to $50,000. We are writing the grant, the county is administering; the match will be up to $10,000 from Midas.


  • Updated articles of incorporation–New Meadows: Andrew will do a redline copy for approval at our next meeting.


11:30am – 11:45am: Board Elections – postponed to January meeting. Also discussed new board members. See the list enclosed.


11:45am – 12:30pm: Working lunch: brainstorming about community feedback and surveys


12:30pm – 2:30pm: Review of strategic framework and work plan for 2019 (take breaks as

needed). Discussed priorities as presented in the draft 2019 Strategic Plan Framework. Andrew will present for adoption at the next meeting.


2:30pm: Final thoughts

Some final thoughts that should be discussed are…

  • Transportation. Should consider promoting commuter bus from McCall to Boise; and, the McCall Bypass. Other more global transportation efforts/issues?
  • Engaging large employers.


3:00pm: Adjourned.