Valley County Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting 12/1/16 Minutes
Donnelly City Hall 4-6pm
In attendance: Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey, Scotty Davenport, Don Bailey, Donna Eggleston, Cami Hedges, Cynda Herrick, Eric Borchers, Jonne Hower, Blake Watson
Underway @ 4:02pm
- Scotty moved to adjust the agenda to have the ED report toward the end
- Treasurer’s Report
- Further discussion needed
- Cami and Rob should connect and look at integrating QuickBooks
- RC&D line item needed Water Trails funds
- Additional clarification needed on allocation of $250 scholarship for Andrew’s participation in the Leadership Academy
- With above note, moved to be approved, seconded, motion passed
- November Minutes
- Moved to be approved, seconded, motion passed
- Long term funding structure
- VCEDC needs to court businesses
- We need to create a piece of collateral that speaks to what we do
- Do we look for memberships or donations?–ANNUAL MEETING TOPIC
- Do we change the name to “West Central Mountains”? ANNUAL MEETING TOPIC
- Annual Meeting
- Don booked the clubhouse at Spring Mountain Ranch
- Venue has good parking, spacious meeting room, and various other amenities
- January 5th from 12-noon until 6pm
- Potluck-style
- Blake/Idaho Power offered to contribute up to $200 for food
- Andrew will send details email 1-2 weeks prior
- We need to start thinking about elections, bylaws, articles
- Training options:
- Social media
- Randy Shroll on the role of the board
- Newsletter
- Should be sent out quarterly–seasonally
- Content should be a mixture of business, community development and government
- Should answer/clarify questions the community has
- Next issue out in February
- Soft Skills Training
- Meadows schools district economics class is no longer offered
- Junior Achievement may be a substitute option
- Career planning AmeriCorps member from Boise is doing outreach with local schools right now to determine whether CIS is feasible
- VCEDC hosting a soft skills training with SBA at St. Lukes McCall on Dec. 7th for Brundage and St. Lukes–will be recorded and can be used with other businesses
- Telepresence option may create greater flexibility for offering future trainings
- How can we get webinars out to the broader community? ANNUAL MEETING TOPIC
- Meadows schools district economics class is no longer offered
- PTAC event is March 23rd
- Andrew will send out the flier to the Council
- Need to promote through the chambers
- All kinds of businesses could benefit from this resource
- SCORE: Senior Corps of Retired Executives
- Can we duplicate in Valley County/Meadows Valley?
- Tapping into this resource may serve as a mobile/remote business incubator for ABC
- Could use libraries as hub for meetings
- Andrew will follow up with Boise office to get more information
- Housing Trust
- Website is up and running
- Working on a donated condo in Cascade
- Mike is working on collateral to get the word out
- Andrew ran an ad in the Star News promoting the website next week
- Strategic plan merges many national templates and will be available for review in January
- Pathways/Byways/Water Trails
- The story map is up and running
- Brochures are forthcoming (template)
- Jackie Aymon mentioned to Andrew possibly creating a groomed ski trail in the old rail bed as a beta–buy in from property owners may be difficult
- Andrew will continue working on this with Cynda, Steve, and local promoters
- Final data on roughly 30 NAICS codes should be available in January
- Long term, this could be a great analysis/research tool for new industries
- Cynda asked about whether we have a database with capacity of infrastructure for cities/county
- Andrew noted that there are some benefits and challenges to publishing infrastructure capacity–moving target, best to get critical information before creating understandings with site selection professionals
- Andrew will include Council on monthly reports going forward
- ED Report
- Education and grow your businesses are up and running on the website
- Andrew has met with BSU and other vendors–all are excited about the education resource
- VCEDC may be able to provide some value-added insurance services to businesses through a group association, but this may not scale
- Telephonic medicine
- Vision
- Dental
- Tabled item until after new administration chooses direction for ObamaCare
- Andrew working on Umpqua Bank Application
- IEDA resources slides available for those interested
- Newsletter distribution has been successful thus far
- 167 new subscriptions
- 11,000+ Facebook impressions
- 1 week left on campaign
- Andrew will continue working on merging and updating the strategic plan/executive summary
- Branding exercise underway with ABC–some connection to regionalism–VCEDC will keep contact with subcommittee
- Andrew has begun networking VCEDC, Commerce and Labor products with local business
- Discussion:
- HVAC (A1) hasn’t been able to find an employee–ad has run for along time
- Meadow Creek in Meadows could use a new Water/Sewer professional–might be good fit for apprentice program
- Donnelly water bond passed last month
- Christmas tree made it to D.C., more beer being sent to Jackie
- WCM Rec District meeting Tuesday @ 6pm @ Idaho First Bank
- Adjourned @ 6:04pm