West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: Thursday November 7th, 2019
Location: Meadows Valley Library
Time- 4:00 – 6:00pm
Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests
- Bingaman resignation (ACTION ITEM)
- Treasurer’s report (ACTION ITEM)
- Approval of September minutes–NO MEETING IN OCT. DUE TO SUMMIT (ACTION ITEM)
- Shore Lodge invoice $6952.46 (ACTION ITEM)
- Letters/requests (ACTION ITEMS)
- Valley County code amendment letter of support (ACTION ITEM)
- Community reports: Cascade, Donnelly, McCall, New Meadows, Valley County
- Regional co-working space update
- Economic Summit debrief and 2020 location discussion
- Thank you letter team
- Boise State request to engage on board–ad-hoc or voting
- Annual meeting discussion–location, meals, budget (ACTION ITEM)
- Housing brainstorming session: converting STR’s to LTR’s and possible OZ projects in McCall
- 2020 strategic work session:
- strategic plan
- budget
- Marketing and outreach (LinkedIn, youth, etc.)
- funding structure
- board leadership
- REDI EDD discussion
- Business attraction and BRE
- City of McCall contract request for 2020–Civic Campus analysis/facilities review that could be used for CTE/CTS and data for use by city and nonprofit partners:
- buildings/occupancy/use
- hardware/tools
- human resources
- partnerships etc.
- Packer John Tree update
- Grants
- Packer John revitalization TBD
- NPS recreational/trails assistance
- Yellowpine
- Northlake
- Shelton Foundation–not successful
- Weiser River Trail GEM request for feasibility (ACTION ITEM)
- Idaho Women’s Charitable Fund grant app (ACTION ITEM)
- Strategy 1 – JOBS
- Cascade SBDC training in April
- Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
- Game plan for engagement with schools and industry
- Broadband opportunity in New Meadows
- Recycling update–single use plastics
- Strategy 4- PROSPERITY
- Business engagement update
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments