Economic Summit Takeaways

Economic Summit Takeaways

The 2016 West Central Mountains Economic Summit was a tremendous success. With over 150 participants, including the Governor and Lt. Governor, many robust conversations took place that have helped us all better understand the challenges and opportunities that exist...
September 2016 Meeting

September 2016 Meeting

Meeting Minutes: 9/1/2016   4:05pm, meeting underway   Guests Tom Mohr Andrew Mentzer (new Executive Director) Role call Present Sherry Maupin Rob Terry Cynda Herrick Don Bailey Jonne Hower Bill Willey Scotty Davenport Bob Tracy Absent Bob Giles Cami Hedges...
October 2016 Agenda

October 2016 Agenda

Valley County Economic Development Council Monthly Meeting: October 6, 2016 Location: Valley County Downstairs Conference Room, Cascade Time- 4:00- 6:00 pm   Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests Approval of treasurer’s report Approval of September minutes Update...
August 2016 Meeting

August 2016 Meeting

VCEDC August 4 th meeting Present- Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Bob Giles, Rob Terry, Scotty Davenport, Donna Eggleston, Bob Tracy, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey Absent: Cami Hedges, Bill Willey Meeting was called to order @ 4:11 Sherry Maupin introduced the Contractor...
July 2016 Special Session

July 2016 Special Session

VCEDC July 29 th special meeting The meeting was called to order @ 9:00 am Present: Cynda Herrick, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Jonne Hower, Rob Terry, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey (conference call, Bob Clark, Donna Eggleston) Guest- Randy Shroll Cynda Herrick made a...