West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 3:00pm
Cascade Public Library, 105 N. Front Street, Cascade & ZOOM

ZOOM MEETING LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88412171046?pwd=QWhaZGlDaHo4MUl1cHk4aUZuVytzQT09

Executive Session 2:30 (Open unless otherwise specified)
Board Meeting 3:00pm 

Board Members Present: Joni Osterman, Cynda Herrick
Online: Vonna Torrey, Sherry Maupin, Delta James, Rachel Wessel
Guests: Executive Director, Dr. Brittany Brand, Trace McKellips, Lindsey Harris

  • Call to Order 3:02pm
  • Approval of August Agenda
    • Motion by Cynda
    • 2nd by Sherry, Motion passes
  • Approval of July Minutes
    • Motion by Cynda
    • 2nd by Sherry, Motion passes
  • Guest Presentation: Boise State University’s Hazard and Climate & Resilience Institute – Executive Director, Dr. Brittany Brand
    • 2 of 7 objectives presented; presented data for regional/local hazards that can be found in one place, infrastructure, demographic, natural hazards etc, with multiple layers for county, state etc, real time data, link provided below.
    • https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b34a453ac02e40bca27be54d8a770136/page/Flooding/
    • Work with communities to recognize challenges and create resiliency, identify areas of need, then the project information is brought to the community.
  • Treasurer’s report – No Julie this month
    • Approval of July Treasurer’s Report
      • Motion by Sherry
      • 2nd by Cynda, Motion passes
    • Letter(s) of support or Items for Signature:
      • Rural ED Pro Grant Agreement with the Dept of Commerce, approved at 30K
        • Motion by Sherry
        • 2nd Cynda, Motion passes
      • Executive Items
        • CAT chair discussion, seeking stronger board engagement and buy-in, in the future in support of leading a team alongside of Lindsey.
      • Executive Director Update
        • Rural ED Pro Grant – see attached work plan
        • ITD Letter Discussion – Possibly asking each community to submit individually to generate more emphasis. City of McCall may need to nuance the letter for support.
        • Fiber Coalition LTR of Intent has been sent to the organizing group.
        • Economic Summit Update, we are pending information back from Scott Eastman. Bogus Basin is interested in speaking on resiliency, the ability to pivot quickly and share creative solutions.  Delta will reach out to Brundage and Tamarack as well.
        • New Meadows City Council later this month.
      • Community Reports
        • Valley County: Fires are the main point of communication, there will be multiple businesses affected by the current fire activity, and ability to prioritize. Wildfire Mitigation program is going very well, 180K grant received. This is the way we will fight wildfires in our community. Asking homeowners to support the mitigation needs locally. Fire/EMS levy will be coming back up in November, seeking a fully funded levy, we have no funds for EMS at this time, needing 3.2M. Resource Management Planning draft is almost finished, will be sent out to gain additional feedback and have community meetings on. Budget focus, because of the growth in Valley County, tax increase will be very minimal. Pickleball Court Open House forthcoming – will be self-sustaining on a go forward. New appointment, Heidi Schneider will be joining as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. Community increases in law enforcement needs, all varied. Valley County is paying out of pocket for the murder charge at 25K/month. Grant Writer has been hired. He brings a wealth of experience to the position.
        • Cascade: Sidewalk is being poured in front of City building, will plan on replacing all the trees. School is starting up. County fair was successful, filled all the extra seats, new lighting, new arena, all stock barns were filled as well, hoping to turn that into a full event center.
        • Donnelly: Wilderness training taking place. HuckFest was very busy. Feasibility for a Circle K across from the existing Stinker Station. Donut Shop is for sale.
        • McCall: City Council directed the city to submit an offer to a City Manager Candidate, more to follow. LOT collection trends and business permitting all are 12 – 14% lower than last year. Moving back to prior 2019 levels. 1st Street has curbs poured, this week sidewalks should be done, then moving to paving and then parking lot including EV charging stations.  Planning for public restrooms in the future, still piles of snow during the winter. Bypass – Consultant engineering firm in negotiations, ITD is in the process of executing the scope of work.
        • New Meadows: Lindsey is presenting on the 26th to City Council.
      • WCMEDC Updates
        • Early Childhood Education (Trace): MDSD Childcare center update, after 1 year they are going to be restructuring everything. Little sprouts will be moving into the McCall Donnelly space.  School District will lease that space to Little Sprouts. Focus now on longer term planning. New Meadows Center, the building is being raised next week, permit will be forthcoming.  Ponderosa Center booth, requesting 2 people for the 9/3 event if we choose to do that. The County just received a CDBG grant and will be remodeling our community center. This could potentially house a daycare.
        • Housing
          • Regional Housing Assessment
            • Awaiting information from Agnew Beck.
          • WCM Housing Trust
            • Some properties in need of major repairs, organize the work with the property management company.
            • Lack of support for rural communities, requirements and these programs are more conducive for is on larger, more urban areas. Highlights the need for an ED for this organization.
          • Community Development
            • Creative District Update (Delta): Event at Roseberry, with Laura Curry ED of Commission on the Arts, not as well attended, but still had good conversation. No longer funding the program with on-going support, looking for resources to support. Monday’s meeting, needing to identify who has liability for events.
            • Payette River Scenic Byway (Cynda): Writing a letter of support for Rainbow bridge construction. Safety concerns for HWY 55 and ITD.
          • Infrastructure: will have the resource guide ready this fall.
          • Broadband: Letter of Intent as discussed previously. IRON is looking for host sites to donate an acre for implementation.
          • Workforce
            • Need to schedule a meeting or table this to focus on the summit.
          • New Business: no new business.
          • Public Comment
            • Stibnite Foundation sent and invite to their grant awards ceremony.
            • We are actively seeking a new board member for the Donnelly area.
          • Meeting Adjourned at 4:56pm