VCEDC August 4 th meeting

Present- Sherry Maupin, Cynda Herrick, Bob Giles, Rob Terry, Scotty Davenport, Donna Eggleston, Bob

Tracy, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey Absent: Cami Hedges, Bill Willey

Meeting was called to order @ 4:11

Sherry Maupin introduced the Contractor Agreement for discussion. Discussion was held on whether the

Agreement met the guidelines of a contractor and did not cross the boundaries into hiring an employee.

A vote was taken on whether the Council wanted to have a contract that was a fixed rate or a fixed rate

plus reimbursement for expenses. The fixed rate contract was approved. It was determined that $55,000

per year would be the fixed rate contract amount and that we only have 10 months remaining in this

contract so the contract is for $45,833. This will be paid in 10 monthly installments on the 1 st of each

month. The contractor will be responsible for paying for all reimbursement and training.

Bob Tracy brought up whether we need a job description attached to the contract or just the scope of

work provided by Department of Commerce. Sherry will ask Jay Kiiha for his legal opinion on whether

this steps over the contractor/employee line.

Recommendations were made to delete some content that was unclear and it was decided to have

Sherry forward the agreement to Jay Kiiha for his legal opinion.

Sherry will also ask Jay whether VCEDC can state that all work partially completed by contractor is the

property of the Council and will remain with the Council if contractor leaves or is terminated.

Minutes from previous meeting in July were questioned by Jonne Hower asking that the motion to

accept Michael Everett’s resignation actually state what the motion had been. Motion was made to

approve minutes as amended by Rob Terry, 2 nd by Bob Giles. Motion passed.

Updates were given to all ABC strategies. Sherry reported good progress on all.

Cynda Herrick asked the Council to adopt the Grant Administration for the Payette River Nation Scenic

Byway and the Payette River Basin Water Trails. Scotty made a motion to approve, 2 nd by Bob Tracy.

Motion was approved. Cynda will research whether these groups want to be placed under the VCEDC

strategies or just have VCEDC complete grant administration.

Bob Tracy brought up that Boise Chamber has a new non-profit group that meets monthly and provides

board training and resources for non- profit groups. Recommendation was made to attend these

meetings whenever someone is in Boise.

Motion to adjourn was made by Rob Terry, 2 nd Bob Giles. 5:40pm