August Advisory Council meeting

  • Wednesday August 22 at 1PM
  • The Legion Hall (lower level, McCall City Hall)
  • Council members: link


(1)  Public comments and input (as per the decision of last meeting) – 10 minutes

If any discussion resulting from public input runs longer than the allotted 10 minutes I suggest we defer further discussion to the end of the meeting (or, if we run out of time, make it an agenda item for the next meeting).

(2)  Council-member Update 15 minutes

A round-table to share important developments from each chamber and council (open issues that are not on the agenda); 2 minutes max per council member.

(3)  Selecting the members-at-large

Follow-up from last meeting: “Julie Steinberg will draft an invitation to solicitation with feedback/input from David Carey and Ray Moore.”
NOTE: the meeting did not require a plenary review of the invitation, and implicitly authorized the sub-group to proceed at their own accord.
NOTE: I have had a few inquiries about selection process and nominating candidates; all inquirers were fine with waiting for the council to initiate a nomination or invitation process.

(4)   Regional branding project

Follow up from last meeting:”The Advisory Council […] decided to solicit input from their communities/chambers, explore options for professional help and at the next meeting discuss how to initiate and potentially fund such a “branding” project.
– feedback from chambers and councils (2 minutes max per council member)
– potential project definition and next steps

(5)   Meeting recap –  5 minutes