Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
Nov. 17, 2014, 4:00—6:00 pm
Midas Gold Office, Donnelly, Idaho
Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Rob Terry, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey, Karla Miller, Nic Swanson
Members absent: Cami Hedges,
Non-members present: Melissa Hamilton, Valley County Extension Service; Blake Watson, Idaho Power.
Presiding: David Papiez
David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.
Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports
The minutes of the Oct 22, 2014 meeting were approved as corrected. Rob reported the IRS refunded the $450.00 filing fee. VCEDC November 2014
Idaho Power Presentation
Blake Watson reported on Idaho Power’s support of locally-based Economic Development activities and presented the Council with a $1,000 check. Blake further described Idaho Power’s planned “Site Certification” program and indicated it would be officially rolled out early in 2015. He further noted that Site Certification may be more suited to larger metropolitan areas but would be happy to work with Valley County on an appropriate site.
Sub-Committees and Focus Areas
David described expectations that the sub-committees would work independently between Council meetings, planning and implementing activities in each sector that were identified in the 2015 Strategic Plan. Each sub-committee would provide an update or report at subsequent Council meetings. The sub-committees are the “engine” of the Council.
Karla Miller will join the Asset Development sub-committee and Nic Swanson also will join the Asset Development sector as well as the Local Entrepreneurship subcommittees.
Melissa Hamilton volunteered to work on the Sector Development subcommittee.
Sub-committee Reports
- Sector Development
- The sub-committee reported they had met and decided to re-evaluate the 2012 Recreation Summit and determine whether it should be repeated or a Summer Recreation Summit should be held.
- This sub-committee might overlap and coordinate with Asset Development – Affordable Housing.
- Local Entrepreneurship
- The Sub-committee reported they were planning a month-long Business Focus that would include seminars, workshops, and presentations for both community residents as well as developing a pilot project with Cascade High School. Following evaluation, there would be a report to to consider expanding the program throughout Valley County.
- Asset Development
- The sub-committee reported they were working on organizing a county-wide affordable housing forum which would be held in March or April in Donnelly. Expected attendees included builders and developers, Planning and Zoning committees, real estate agents, and major employers in Valley County. They are currently looking for a facilitator and seeking funding support either via grant funds or a local sponsor.
- Import Substitution
- The sub-committee reported the status of geo-thermal investigations in the area near Cascade. They reported they would like to use Council funding to hire grant writer to research and apply for grants that would assist the subcommittee to determine the best place to drill test wells.
- David moved and Sherry seconded a motion to provide up to $200 for grant writer to apply for funds to further develop Cascade’s geothermal resources.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- David reported on the Regional Planners Conference which will be held in McCall March 14. They are planning to host a forum to discuss regional planning issues.
- Rob Terry requested VCEDC submit a etter in support of Cascade’s application for funding to replace restrooms at Armstrong Park.
- The next VCEDC meeting will be Dec. 17,2014, at Idaho First Bank, McCall.
There was no additional public input.