Meeting minutes

Time and Attendance

Meeting start and finish: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Members Present (alphabetical order): Don Bailey (City of McCall), David Carey (McCall chamber), Dick Carter (City of Cascade), Scotty Davenport (Cascade Chamber), Karla Miller (member at large), Ken Minshall (City of Donnelly), David Papiez (member at large), Bill Willey (unincorporated Valley County).
Members absent: none
Non-members present (all or part of the time): none
Facilitator (no voting rights): Willem Braak, UI Extension, Valley County

Decisions and notable points note

NOTE: these minutes are a fair representation of the discussions and decisions of the meeting, but focus on the outcome of discussions and do not necessarily credit individuals for contributions. The discussions may be paraphrased or summarized fur purposes of clarity and accessibility.


No agenda changes

Future meeting dates and locations

Six month report card

Background and discussion:

the council first came back to a discussion of the July meeting, where the decision was made to reevaluate continuation of the council based on the first 6 months experience. Council members felt that the investment of time and energy was worthwhile; the following summarized the voiced consensus:

  • The council provides a valuable forum for regional coordination and discussion, and seems to provide the positives that similar forums (VAPP, UPRED) had offered in the past, but with a more defined representation.
  • This forum is well positioned to provide guidance to capitalize on, and/or mitigate larger events in the regional economy (Tamarack, mining) if or when the need arises.
  • The number of projects and funding opportunities generated by or vetted through the council should ideally increase with time

Decision: a formal vote to continue the council’s efforts passed unanimously.

Advisory council to UI Extension

Background and discussion:

With the council now established, Willem Braak addressed the members in his position as office chair for University of Idaho Extension in Valley County. He asked if the Council was willing to also function as advisory council to the local extension office; this would mean that the council, on an annual basis, would provide input and feedback to the local extension office with respect to the educational (extension) programming. With its broad community representation, the council is a natural sounding board to provide such feedback and input.

Decision: the council agreed to function as the local extension advisory council and scheduled a program review for the September meeting.

Scheduled meetings for calendar year 2013

Decision: the council will continue to meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday of each month (with the December meeting as exception). Dates and locations are listed in the table below.





Jan 23


July 24


Febr. 27


Aug. 28


March 27


Sept. 25


April 24


Oct. 23


May 22


Nov. 27


June 26


Dec. 18


Future structure of the VCED Council

Steering committee and chairperson

Background and discussion:

Aware of the time burden that meeting preparation and chairing places on individual members, the October Council meeting had asked to explore three separate pathways:

  • continue to find volunteer time and support among the council members
  • create or borrow a part-time administrative position to at least cover administrative commitments
  • tap into the Department of Commerce funding for professional support

To address the first, Wim had found support from Karla Miller, David Papiez and Ken Minshall to create a small steering committee to prepare the council meetings that would take shared responsibility for chairing the council meetings. This steering committee would meet in an informal setting (coffee, breakfast) between council meetings, open to all council members.

Decision:the council agreed to a steering committee approach for preparing and chairing the council meetings; the next steering committee meeting is set for February 5, 8:00 AM at the Mountain Hub in McCall.

Formal organizational structure

Background and discussion:

For its first 6 months the council has functioned in an informal setting with just a charter and meeting rules, and expressly without formal structure, bylaws and procedures. Even though there is no urgent need to adopt a formal structure, recently discussed projects like the Business Plan Contest and others would benefit from an independent but community-recognized organization. For the members to explore a more formal structure, it would be helpful to develop a better understanding of what other regional economic development organizations have done, and what could work well for the specific charter of the Valley County Council.  Wim has discussed the possibility for students from the University Of Idaho College Of Law to help develop such an understanding. Law professor Stephen Miller directs the Economic Development Clinic in Boise and is willing to have his students take on the project this spring semester.

Decision: The council supported a student project to help develop an understanding of and potential strategy towards an effective legal structure for the council; Dick Carter and David Papiez will be the primary contacts to provide guidance to the student project.

RFP – Department of Commerce support for ED professional


the 3d directive of the October meeting (see [Steering Committee and chairperson] ) stipulated that the council wanted to explore tapping into the Department of Commerce funding for professional support, for which an RFP (Request for Proposals) will be issued this spring.

Since this RFP would assume the use of a paid individual, some of the discussion reiterated earlier important requirements for any paid support, if decided upon. The last thing the council wants is be a “self-perpetuating organization”; instead it wants to uphold the driving idea that the council is principally volunteer driven, represents both the private and community interests of the region, and works as much as possible through private initiatives; any paid position, if adopted, should therefore receive explicit direction from the council, report to the council, and be held accountable by the council with these directives in mind.

Decision: Don Bailey and Bill Willey will evaluate the RFP to assess if or how a hired professional would fit into a council driven program, and if it requires a specific formal construction.


The Valley County Business Plan Contest

Background and discussion

Judy Anderson will continue the project to organize a business plan contest. Other business plan contest held in Idaho were held in Rexburg (eastern Idaho), Blaine County (supported by Blaine Economic Development group) and an annual state-wide contest  by Idaho TechConnect. The University of Idaho Business School does an annual contest as well.

The project team will add fundraising to the team’s responsibility since community funds cannot be used to sponsor prize monies.  Karla Miller and Willem Braak have volunteered to participate in the team and in that capacity represent the council on the team.

Decision:  the council continues to strongly support a regional business plan contest, but would want to see a periodic report to assess continued public support for the contest.

Promotion of the region

Background and discussion:

  Don Baily felt that, in spite of the council’s decision to not take on regional branding at this point in time, the council should still inspire some effort to more effectively promote the region. He specifically referred to suggestion like the one from Robert Lyon’s to create a general publication that could be used by all organizations and communities. Support for this idea and subsequent discussion led to the idea of inviting the department of tourism to have a dialogue on possibilities and potential collaboration.

Decision: the steering committee will invite the Idaho Department of Tourism to one of the next two meetings and prepare an agenda to have this dialogue.

Round table

Dick Carter mentioned some of the events in and around Cascade this summer:

  • international championships at Kelly’s Whitewater Park
  • 4-summit ride
  • Memorial day weekend at Kelly’s

This initiated some discussion on the positive economic effect of athletic events in the area.

Scotty Davenport updated the council on the continuing efforts of the Energy Committee, in this case with respect to the use of geothermal energy. The committee is planning to use a consultant to do a comprehensive regional inventory of geothermal potential this summer

Public input


NOTE: these minutes are a fair representation of the discussions and decisions of the meeting, but focus on the outcome of discussions and do not necessarily credit individuals for contributions. The discussions may be paraphrased or summarized fur purposes of clarity and accessibility.