Agenda: 07/23/2020 Payette River National Scenic Byways Committee
Location: Avimore Community Center + Zoom
Time: 1-3pm MST
Chair: Cynda Herrick
Members: Linnea Hall, Dan Richter, Delta James, Lori Clemens, Shauna Arnold, Mac Qualls
Guests (TBD): Cecilia Awusie, Jason Boals, Mark Wasdahl, Brent Danielson, Erin Hudson/Atlas
Administrator: WCMEDC–Andrew Mentzer
- Lunch: 12:30pm
- Meeting start: 1pm–welcome/introduction of guests: Ada County, ITD, Atlas
- Review of finances: $381.00
- Website domain/hosting renewal $119.88/year (ACTION ITEM)
- ITD Smith’s ferry fall construction update
- Speed limit (Donnelly/Cascade) update
- Signage inventory update
- WCM entry signs at county lines, next steps
- Corridor management plan update
- PRSB jurisdiction guidance memo
- Subcommittee assignments:
- Marketing/outreach
- Monument signs and signage inventory
- Guidance for jurisdictions/best practices letters of fact
- Next steps for the group:
- Fall meeting day/time/location
- Objectives/planning
- Action items for review by WCMEDC board
- Adjourn