West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: Tuesday June 9th, 2020
Location: REMOTE: Zoom
Time- 3:00 – 5:00pm
- Executive team meeting, open at 2:30pm
- Signing of checks for previously approved items (can be done by Jill and Andrew ahead of time)
- CUB payment
- Fig payment
- Agenda discussion
- Executive session closed if needed
- Signing of checks for previously approved items (can be done by Jill and Andrew ahead of time)
- Call to order, regular meeting, 3pm
- Adoption of agenda (ACTION ITEM)
- Approval of minutes (ACTION ITEM)
- Welcome visitors and guests
- Community reports: Cascade, Donnelly, McCall, New Meadows, Valley County
- Treasurer’s report (ACTION ITEM)
- Invoices/thank you’s for the month
- Yearly Fig board insurance renewal
- CUB payment
- Invoices/thank you’s for the month
- Letters/requests (ACTION ITEMS)
- N/A
- Scenic Byways update (DISCUSSION)
- Grants (open/future DISCUSSION)
- EDPro
- IDAEYC (grant contract)
- Stibnite Foundation: Weiser River Trail and Hand Washing Stations
- GEM: Weiser River Trail
- 2020 EDPro contract approval (ACTION ITEM)
- New hire (events/programs) applicant pool review to date and hiring team set up (DISCUSSION)
- Recreation/Pathways
- Donnelly Flyway and Carefree options (DISCUSSION)
- Education and workforce development:
- Talent Pipeline Management Academy through IACI–(DISCUSSION)
- IDAEYC program next steps update (DISCUSSION)
- Update on BSU fall programs (DISCUSSION)
- Community Projects/Infrastructure
- Cascade asphalt at bus kiosk–Granite (DISCUSSION)
- Census outreach update (DISCUSSION)
- Coronavirus task force update (DISCUSSION)
- Cascade seasonal wayfinding update (DISCUSSION)
- Broadband update (DISCUSSION)
- Business retention and expansion (DISCUSSION)
- Business outreach update–9 BRE visits
- Economic Summit update (DISCUSSION)
- Marketing–update on fundraising to date (DISCUSSION)
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments
- Zoom/technology subscription discussion (ACTION ITEM)