West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2020, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Donnelly City Hall
Members in Attendance: Jill Chapman (President), Dylan Martin (Vice-President), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Patty Wold (telephonically), Sherry Maupin, Gene Tyler, Nicole Musgrove, Judy Nissula, Thom Sowers, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent: Julie Good (Treasurer), Linnea Hall, and Lindsay Harris.
Executive team meeting, open at 2:30pm
Call to order, regular meeting, 3pm
Adoption of agenda (ACTION ITEM) : Nicole moved to approve addition of two additions: $200 for National Parks event lunch budget and letter of support for Idaho Commerce Business Advantage program extension, Judy seconded, motion carried. Gene moved to approve the revised agenda, Dillon seconded, motion carried.
Approval of minutes–approved by proxy vote for new bank account signers (ACTION ITEM): the minutes were approved previously by proxy.
Welcome visitors and guests: Tom Reinhardt from Cascade Medical was present.
30 minute presentation from Tom Reinhardt from Cascade Medical Center about strategic plan: Tom gave a presentation on the Strategic Plan for Cascade Medical Center.
Community reports:
Cascade – submitted entry to HGTV for the Hometown Takeover.
Donnelly – Hungry Bear opened; Growlers is doing well; the Chamber is paying for specialty lighting; talked about the LOT tax; and need to invoice for 2020 LOT and regular city fund allocation.
McCall – recovering from winter carnival; LOT funds going for maintenance; Blue Moon, new restaurant opened; adopted STR ordinance; and cost analysis for library.
New Meadows — Andrew met with Adams County about USDA authorization to fund the Weiser River Trail; March 11, Commerce will be in town.
Valley County – Starting Strategic Plan (STAR – Service, Transparent, Accountable, Responsive) and blend with the region; Waterways Ordinance; Idaho Association of Counties; legislation; roads; grooming going well; on-line services; newsletter; grant writer; PR person; working with the Forest Service to keep roads open.
Treasurer’s report (ACTION ITEM): Gordon Cruickshank made a donation to WCMEDC (big thank you), Sherry moved to accept and send thank you, Dillon seconded, motion carried.
Adoption of 2020 budget (ACTION ITEM): 1) will change to include specified breakout from communities; 2) remove Gem grants since they are with the county. Gene moved to approve with the identified changes, Judy seconded, motion carried.
Discussion/approval of 2020 fundraising plan (ACTION ITEM): Jill reviewed the 2020 donation framework; discussed recognition.
Funding request for CUB Chamber mixer on March 19th–up to $50 (ACTION ITEM); approved to come from the marketing budget.
Letters/requests (ACTION ITEMS) : Letter supporting the extension of Business Advantage with Commerce – Gene moved, Sherry seconded. Motion carried.
Finalize subcommittee assignments–added various members to various committees for downstream communication.
(skipped to end of agenda due to lack of time–the following items were touched on but any discussion or actions were tabled until the March meeting)
Scenic Byways update
Grants (open/future)
- Yellowpine
- Northlake
- EDPro
- Idaho Women’s Charitable Fund–TBD 2020
- Idaho Power Professional Development
- EDA disaster funds
- Weiser River Trail: GEM, USDA grants
- Packer John revitalization and Council Rec Center
- NPS recreational/trails assistance workshop April 22
Education and workforce development:
- Cascade SBA training April 21
- Construction Pre-Apprenticeship with AGC
- Culinary Pre-Apprenticeship in Cascade
- Update on BSU meetings/game plan
Community Projects/Infrastructure
- Broadband/legislative update
- Recycling update
- Update on regional Arts coordination
- Senior project funding from Operation Facelift remnant project dollars–sent to schools
- Monument signs update–smaller sign option and New Meadows update
- Cascade seasonal wayfinding update
Business retention and expansion
- Business outreach update
Economic Summit update
- Board collateral items–new business cards
- Spring project outreach plan
- PR
- Print ads
- Digital
- Instagram discussion
Andrew gave a brief overview on the Business Advantage Program, Master Retriever competition.
Nicole moved to authorize $200 for lunch for the National Park Service function on April 22, Dillon seconded, Motion carried. (ACTION ITEM)