West Central Mountains Economic Development Council

Meeting Minutes

October 5, 2017 from 4pm – 6pm

Idaho First Bank, McCall, ID

Members in Attendance:  Sherry Maupin (President), Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Eric Borchers, Donald Bailey, Lin Davis, Scotty Davenport, Tom Greco, Bob Giles, Judy Nissula, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent:  Cami Hedges, Bill Willey, Blake Watson, Linnea Hall, and Kathy Hull.

Guests:  Delta James, City of McCall, Economic Development

Maupin opened the meeting.

Gene moved to accept the resignation of Cami Hedges. Tom Greco seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Gene presented the Treasurer’s Report and stated there was an ending balance of $47,277.70. Greene-Burke was redeposited as an error had occurred using the wrong account. Lin moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Minutes:  Don moved to approve the minutes from September 7, 2017, with the addition of page numbers. Gene seconded the motion. Motion carried.

  • Fund authorization protocol (specify amounts and budgeting process) & incoming funds report (EDPro, County, cities, etc.). Discussion ensued concerning payment of invoices and authorization of uses of funds that are not on the approved annual budget. Cynda doesn’t think the Executive Committee should be the sole reviewer of expense and paying of them if not already in the budget. Gene said he does and everything is transparent. Lin said it should be in the budget as a disciplinary tool. Scotty wants to see items put in the budget. Don Bailey will put together a payment authorization protocol.
  • Direct deposit request for EDPro/Andrew: Cynda moved to approve a direct deposit for Andrew’s pay each month. Scotty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • Update on reporting to governments: Andrew has been reaching out to the governing bodies of each community on a roughly quarterly basis with an update of activities.
  • Update on long-term funding structures–fundraising outreach update: Will discuss this in depth at the annual meeting so that we have time to get to the end of this agenda.

Strategy 1 – JOBS

  • Labor micro grant–other opportunities? Tom set meeting with Andrew, Pal Sartori, and Joni Stevenson on apprenticeships. There are a number of small businesses in Cascade that are considering the apprenticeship program. Andrew is reaching out to other schools. The goal is for students to obtain on the job training alongside a high school diploma, associate’s degree and a certificate from the Dept. of Labor. Lin will network with the New Meadows high school. Eric said he met with Lance at Albertsons and they have a huge need for meat cutters, deli workers, etc. and these would be prime apprenticeship positions.
  • Scotty said the Cascade Cultural Arts Center has makerspace activities on Monday nights.
  • Sherry recommends someone visit with culinary arts people at CWI. Lin volunteered to speak with CWI to start a program in the West Central Mountains.
  • Sherry thinks we should visit outside areas. Eric recommends we speak to Foudy (McCall-Donnelly school).
  • Gene said Texas has a great program where high school people can get credits. He also reminded Council about the potential of military people and should advertise in trade publications. Andrew recommends we target Boise veterans first.
  • Judy commented that kids in Cascade or New Meadows could attend a culinary program in either town – these are good paying jobs.
  • Lin stated it gives an opportunity to stay local.
  • Lin would like a job survey of the types of jobs. Eric said there is a 3.5% unemployment rate.
  • Andrew disclosed that many items he works on pertaining to workforce development will also be included in his reporting to CWI. Commerce and CWI are aware of this, if a conflict arises, he will recuse himself. We are the only ED council who can write apprenticeships in-house.
  • Scotty would like an apprenticeship summit and bring everyone together.
  • Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
    • ED portal marketing plan
    • Subcommittee updates: Monument Signs & Marketing: Tom presented the different types of signs put together by Rocky Mountain signs. Lin questioned why we would want monument signs. It was explained we are branding the region as desired by the ABC group. Comment that the words need to be more dominant. Judy likes the simple sign for flexibility.
    • Broadband: Ammon has superfast broadband. Discussed lobbying our legislators.
  • Strategy 4- PROSPERITY
    • Business engagement: Confidential.
  • Economic Summit post-mortem: We had positive feedback on the workforce development and housing. Discussed the difference between open space and Parks & Recreation initiatives – they are two separate topics.
  • Received a $15,000 grant from Association of Realtors for a feasibility study on single track pathways in public rights-of-way.
  • Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments

Next Meeting: November 2, 2017, 4:00 p.m. Cascade, Idaho
