West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2017 from 4pm – 6pm
Valley County Courthouse, Cascade, Idaho
Members in Attendance: Sherry Maupin (President), Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Eric Borchers (telephonically), Bill Willey, Blake Watson, Donald Bailey, Linnea Hall, Lin Davis, Scotty Davenport, and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent: Cami Hedges, Tom Greco, Bob Giles, Judy Nissula, and Kathy Hull.
Guests: None
Maupin opened the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gene presented the Treasurer’s Report and state there was an ending balance of $46,717.09, with available funds of $7,518.78. General conversation concerning various budget items were discussed, as follows:
Discussed the different ledger accounts.
Everything under (4) were the remaining ABC funds.
Sherry would to keep the money in Parks and Recreation.
Cynda wants the Branding money to remain.
Bus Kiosk money needs to stay.
Cynda will ask Larry if there are any outstanding invoices for Pathway Kiosks and if there is any additional money needed. If not, discussed using for other pathway activities.
SBA and Maker Space money can go to the General fund.
Andrew informed us that the balance remaining for ED Portal marketing was $6,500 – the funds previously promised or generated were $5,000 from McCall, $1,500 dedicated funds from Idaho Power, already paid the $4,000 from Umpqua, with a $4,000 payment to Bill Doty. (The $4,000 from Umpqua were not dedicated – the funds from McCall and Idaho Power are dedicated, but have not been received.. So there absolutely are a minimum of $2,500 remaining for ED portal marketing. This portion added outside the meeting for general information.)
Andrew described the availability of a grant for a feasibility study for single track pathways – the match would be $1,500. Cynda moved to approve the application for a $15,000 grant from the National Association of Realtors to fund a feasibility study for Single Track Pathways, with the match of $1,500 from the dedicated Pathway Kiosk/ABC funds. Gene seconded the motion. Motion carried with one no by Bailey. Andrew will try to get match reimbursement from Valley County pathways and Gravity Sports or other recreation businesses.
Minutes: Gene moved to approve the minutes from August 3, 2017, Lin seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Subcommittee (project) assignments: monument signs, marketing
Newsletter topics: ED Portal, WCM Summit, Apprenticeship Program, Open Space initiative, woody biomass, Dept. of Labor grants for EMT, Paramedics, and CNAs. Distribution options for the newsletter were discussed, such as social media, flyers, and inserts in the Star News.
Various marketing techniques were discussed.
Open space committee formation: Discussed the value of open space, view corridors, and access easements. Differing opinions were expressed as follows:
Sherry would like to consider the inclusion of the entire county into a Parks and Recreation District that would allow for purchase of the open space (folding it in) and recreation access easements;
Cynda would like to form an Open Space/Access Easement only tax or bond in a manner similar to the initiative done in Ada County to preserve the foothills – would use the funds to purchase land or put conservation easements in place;
Don would like to zone the county viewsheds as Open Space as previously tried by Frank; and,
Lin believes there is mutuality between open space and access.
Andrew stated that a major agenda item at the Summit is open space. Cynda, Gene, and Lin would like to be part of the open space committee when formed.
Update on long-term funding structures–fundraising outreach update: Passed on report so that the remainder of the agenda can be discussed.
Final Bylaws & Articles signatures: Completed.
Review 2016 990 tax filing: Gene presented the proposed IRS tax filing. Cynda requested a couple of changes, as follows:
The 2016 Summit was held in October, not November.
Removing the 37 unit apartment complex in Donnelly from the accomplishment portion of the housing trust.
Motion made and passed to leave the West Central Mountains Housing Trust in the filing as they were instrumental in launching the 37 unit apartment complex in Donnelly. All approved, Cynda was a no.
Strategy 1 – JOBS
Labor micro grant and CNA classes in Donnelly: Cascade Fire, Cascade HS, Cascade Medical
Class was cancelled in Donnelly.
Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
ED portal live–marketing plan – See previous discussion.
McCall College discussion: Scotty asked why the McCall College closed? Sherry said the money wasn’t there – Heartland High is using the building.
Summit update–sponsorship and outreach needs
We need sponsors and people to sign up. Last year we had more sponsors at this time, but people did not sign up until last two weeks.
Branding/letter writing outreach plan – did not discuss
Strategy 4- PROSPERITY
Business engagement:
Hartland Inn
Dunn Survey
Everything Potatoes
Schweitzer Engineering Labs strategy/plan
Cascade Medical
Cascade School Dist.
Midas Gold
Valley County Pathways
Olson Excavation
Cymbalik Construction
Cascade Fire
OK Gravel
Tap Room in Donnelly
A portion of the outreach at the apprenticeship program and other places. Strategy on face to face discussed.
Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments
Next Meeting: October 5, 2017, 4:00 p.m., McCall, Idaho