West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2017 from 4pm – 6pm
Valley County Courthouse, Cascade, Idaho
Members in Attendance: Sherry Maupin (President), Gene Tyler (Treasurer), Cynda Herrick (Secretary), Eric Borchers, Donald Bailey, Lin Davis, Judy Nissula, Scotty Davenport (telephonically), and Andrew Mentzer (Executive Director).
Members Absent: Cami Hedges, Tom Greco, Bob Giles, Bill Willey, Blake Watson, Kathy Hull, and Linnea Hall.
Guests: Rick Brenneman, Coordinator, Woody Biomass Utilization Partnership, and Brian Schaefer, Edgewood Sawmill.
Maupin opened the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tyler presented the Treasurer’s Report dated July 2017, and appended. There is an ending balance of $54,643.68.
Bailey moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Minutes: Bailey moved to approve the minutes from July 6, 2017, Gene seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Woody Biomass Presentation from Rick Brenemann: The Southwest Idaho Resource Conservation & Development – Woody Biomass Utilization Partnership was formed in 2007. A few of the counties involved in the effort are Adams, Boise, and Valley. It was done in an effort to create some jobs that were lost using grants the US Forest Service and USDA. Some projects have been funded. Currently forming a 4 state coalition – see attachment. A Forestry Economic Summit is being held in Grangeville on November 8 and 9. Their coalition believes conditions for successful woody biomass efforts include plenty of stock, need investors, will have positive environmental affect, and a guaranteed market with very little risk.
Brian Schaefer, Edgewood, introduced himself. He purchased the sawmill at the corner of Spink and Highway 55. Prior to the recession he had a portable machine that would make merchandisable chips in the forest so that they were not hauling “air”. He thinks the key would be to use product for high end market vs. low end market, ie logs for homes vs. chips.
Update on long-term funding structures – Fundraising outreach update:
St. Lukes cannot support the WCMEDC, but will help with business summit.
Sherry reported: Albertsons – trying to get to the right person, does not want to go directly to the top; Tamarack – they are almost in a position to help fund; Brundage – not a yes or no; May Hardware – Rick is engaged.
Gene reported: thinks Stinker will assist; most larger/chain businesses have offices elsewhere and are not as committed; Donnelly has committed.
Judy will talk to First American and Title Company.
Bylaws & Articles signatures: Signed.
WCM Community Foundation update: logo, website and next steps – Filed with the State, have the logo, and will build the website.
Strategy 1 – JOBS
Andrew reported on his contacts and activities. Lamm has not finished taxes yet – no word on Housing Trust 501©3 status.
Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
ED portal update: Andrew updated and requested approval to purchase the computer for the Meadows library. Approved.
Summit update: Will run through the McCall Chamber sponsorship.
Working on a grant for single track lanes and trail grants for the National Association of Realtors.
Strategy 4- PROSPERITY
Business Engagement: Andrew updated. Contacts and activities are confidential.
Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments – ongoing discussion
Next Meeting: September 7, 2017, 4:00 p.m., Donnelly, Idaho