West Central Mountains Economic Development Council
Monthly Meeting: May 4, 2017
Location: Cascade, County Commissioners Chambers
Time- 4:00- 6:00pm
Agenda: Welcome visitors & guests
- Treasurer’s report
- Budget & tax discussion
- Housing Trust
- Lamm & Assoc.
- Approval of April minutes
- City of McCall minutes revision request: 11/3/16 meeting paraphrase on Albertson’s CEO–City is requesting that this be stricken from the record, as it misrepresents the experience Albertsons had in permitting according to their representative.
- Update on long-term funding structures
- Outreach plan and calling list
- EDPro Grant from Commerce–Andrew & Sherry
- ABC next steps and community foundation formation–Sherry
- Council discussion: Andrew on Valley County Pathways Board and Ponderosa Pavilion Board
- Council membership:
- Lin’s addition
- Linnea’s addition
- Tom’s addition
- Judy and Kathy’s addition
- Strategy 1 – JOBS
- 2017 Economic Summit planning
- Apprenticeships update: STRAP and CWI
- Strategy 2 – EDUCATION
- ED/education portal: proposal and grant funds (Umpqua, Idaho Power, City of McCall $5k May 25)
- Bill Doty, web portal builder
- Cascade adventure biking proposal: Chamber needs a match of $1,000–can get creative on how this comes together.
- Pathways: Right of way single track proposal
- Strategy 4- PROSPERITY
- ASAP presentation by Melissa
- ED Report
- Businesses; New Market Tax Credit Program
- Woody Biomass
- Ponderosa Center
- Rustic Inn
- Midas
- Book store
- Hostel/sound studio
- Programs/policy
- Nothing new to report
- Affiliates
- water trails
- pathways
- scenic byways
- Businesses; New Market Tax Credit Program
- Round Table, Upcoming Events & Public Comments