Valley County Economic Development Council

Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2016 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Cascade City Hall, Cascade, Idaho

Members Present: Don Bailey, Bill Willey, Bob Giles, Jonne Hower, Cami Hedges, Rob Terry, Scotty Davenport, Bob Tracey, Michael Everett, Sherry Maupin, Karla Miller, Cynda Herrick

Members Absent: None

Guests: Donna Eggelston (via conference call) Melissa Hamilton, Blake Watson (Idaho Power)

Presiding: Sherry Maupin

Sherry called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and welcomed guests and members.

Introduction to new Member: Cynda Herrick accepted her position on the board with the VCEDC.  Cynda thanked the Council for allowing her participation.  Her key interests are in the Housing, West Central Mountains Economic Strategy, Information Resources, and to be able to identify and alleviate government hurdles.

Blake Watson from Idaho Power presented a check to the VCEDC for the Economic Development Grant to help with the publication and distribution of the first edition of Valley Talks. Idaho Power is happy to support the VCEDC and newsletter.  He also informed us that it is possible that there will be additional grants available in a few weeks to apply for, which is earlier than usual.  Blake also indicated that this August will be Idaho Powers 100 year anniversary (August 16, 1916).  Michael Everett also thanked Idaho Power for the ongoing support and work that they do to keep our Valley with power and how they are quick to respond to issues in the Valley.

Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports: Don B. moved and Scotty D. seconded the minutes of the December 3rd, 2015 be approved.  The motion passed.  Treasurer’s report was tabled as it changed due to the amount received from the Idaho Power grant.

 Executive Committee – working on grant writing as there are several foundation grants out there to look into.  We need some additional funding sources for matching funds.  Karla M. stated she could help and Rob T has a CD that he could share from a grant writing class he took.

Annual Meeting Planning

  • All County and Municipal members should receive appointment by their respective Councils.
  • Assignment of Sector Committees – Donna E. (New Meadows) is going to attend a grant writing class. The community is working on a new Youth Center and new park. The City is working to get a Parks and Recreation program which City Councilman Brad Steiner is heading.
  • Update to Strategic Plan – The VCEDC needs to update and make necessary changes to the Strategic Plan and where we are headed.
    • We are able to get statistics from the Dept of Commerce. There are several tools available, however someone needs to put them together (this is not something that needs to be done today, but does need to be worked on).
    • Sherry M. will look into and have additional information at the next meeting.
    • Melissa H. will provide a link to the council.
    • Discussion if the VCEDC should facilitate the conversation on how to develop an emergency preparedness plan. (this could be an action plan in development)
    • Bob G. recommended to place Recreation Sector – facilitate communication Obj. 1.1. Also asked if there are items in the strategic plan that people have not stepped up on to facilitate will these continue to be in the plan for later?
    • Also do we combine with Comprehensive plan to build out more infrastructures?

ASAP Grant – Melissa Hamilton

The ASAP grant is an Area Sector Analysis process. Match making process for the community that provides an industry profile, economic development strategies and the community section.  They give the top 10 and bottom 10 targets.  They compile the information primarily from the community and secondarily from resources.  The area would include all of Valley County and Meadows Valley.  A cost of $3,000 would be charged.  If ABC goes to the next step they would have $2500 for funds for this process.  Melissa would facilitate and schedule any meetings.  However a steering committee would need to be compiled of VCEDC and ABC members.  Jonne would like output information for each geographic location instead of region.  Melissa stated that this is a big area but is an adaptable model for each community if requested.  Each Community would be a charge of $500 in additional funds if they want a specific model created.  Melissa will provide a sample of what the reports will consist and look like.  Jonne did not believe that the VCEDC should ask the communities for the funds as there are other items in sectors to look at prior to the study.  Bob G believed a motion needed to be made.  Michael E made a motion and Bob G seconded, however the motion was then rescinded after more discussion.  Cynda H. believes it is a great tool and agrees about asking for money with Jonne.  Asking the Valley County Commissioners and Cities for more money when other things may be more important, especially without a VCEDC budget.  Rob T. believes that each community is different and should be asked for money on a tier instead of straight across the board.  Melissa was asked if the ASAP grant was a one time shot or will be offered in the area again.  Melissa would research this and communicate with council.  A motion was made by Michael E and seconded by Bob G. to identify funding through donations and grants.  Motion carried.

Executive Committee was asked to create a 2016 Fiscal Year budget for the VCEDC.

 Subcommittee Updates:

  • Sector #3 – Asset Development
    • Housing Trust – Land and Housing Trust, high quality affordable housing.
    • Bob T. – Skills gap. Work with school systems to create better opportunities to fill in the labor gap.
    • Don B. will prepare some information for the memo on how to proceed with the Housing Trust.
  • Sector #4 – Import Substitution
    • Scotty D. indicated that a study was completed through the City of Cascade for heating districts that was funded by a USDA grant.
  • Sector #2 – Local Entrepreneurship
    • A social media class will be held on January 12th and will discuss Facebook, Twitter and Instagram processes. So far 25 people are signed up.

Subcommittee Selection:

Sector #1 Development – Sherry M., Don B., Michael E, Cami H.

Sector #2 Local Entrepreneurship – Michael E.

Sector #3 Asset Development – Don B., Bob T., Karla M., Cynda H., Bill W., Donna E., Sherry M.

Sector #4 Import Substitution – Scotty D., Jonne H., Rob T., Bob G.

Subcommittees are asked to meet prior to the next VCEDC on February 4, 2016

ABC Update and Invitation – There will be a breakfast held at Midas Gold for the announcement of the Semi-Finalists at 8:30 on January 13th.

UofI Extension Office – Melissa Hamilton introduced a Master Gardner program and Discover your food classes will be held.

Adjourn: Motion by Cami H and seconded by Sherry M. to adjourn until the next scheduled meeting on February 4, 2016 to be held at Idaho First Bank, McCall Idaho.  Motion carried.