Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
May 7, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Cascade City Hall, Cascade, Idaho
Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey, Scotty Davenport, Rob Terry, and Karla Miller
Members absent: Nic Swanson, Don Bailey, Cami Hedges
Guests: Michelle Groenevelt, Cynda Herrick, Kelly Felton, Melissa Hamilton
Presiding: David Papiez
David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.
Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports
The minutes of the March 25, 2015 meeting were approved as corrected. Rob reported a total balance of $2,492.17.
Sub-Committees and Focus Areas
- Executive Committee
- David reported Lori Hunter from the Valley County Planning Office has agreed to provide assistance in keeping the VCEDC website updated. The Council thanked Cynda Herrick for the availability of her staff to provide this technical support.
- David summarized the time frame for his departure from Valley County and discussed the three currently vacant member-at-large positions. There was discussion regarding the value of ensuring all economic sectors of Valley County economy were represented. David asked council members to consider possible additions to the Council and to provide those names via email to the entire Council.
- David’s last day at Tamarack will be May 29 and his departure from Valley County will be during the summer. He indicated he hoped the Council would hold elections in June or July.
- Rob reported on two grant opportunities:
- A professional development grant opportunity with Idaho Power’s Partnering for Economic Development program. Sherry and Extension Educator Melissa Hamilton volunteered to work on this grant
- An Idaho Dept. of Commerce grant for economic development activities that will be announced in the spring of 2016 and awarded later that year.
- Asset Development
- Sherry reported the status and next steps for the ABC grant. During the next 6 months, a group representing interests from New Meadows, McCall, Cascade, and Donnelly will meet weekly to refine the next application. Meetings rotate among the communities and are held from 9-10 on Wednesday mornings.
- There was discussion regarding how the Council would like to be engaged with the next step.
- Sherry reported the status and next steps for the ABC grant. During the next 6 months, a group representing interests from New Meadows, McCall, Cascade, and Donnelly will meet weekly to refine the next application. Meetings rotate among the communities and are held from 9-10 on Wednesday mornings.
- Sherry reported the Summer Recreation Survey will be conducted by University of Idaho students during summer 2015.
- Sherry summarized the Affordable Housing meetings which were held earlier this year. They generated considerable discussion, but did not advance possible solutions. Sherry mentioned that the ABC grant may be looking at the issue of affordable housing in Valley County.
- The Long Valley Community Foundation is on hold. Sherry is seeking additional volunteers who can focus on this issue.
- Sector Development subcommittee
- David distributed a proposed marketing rack brochure.
- Local Entrepreneurship
- No activities to report. Additional meetings with SBA will be scheduled during the fall
- Import Substitution
- Rob reported the subcommittee would be delaying grant applications for 12 months.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- Sherry reported the Great McCall Chamber of Commerce is working on a Regional (Valley County) Travel Guide using an Idaho Travel Council grant.
- Bill reported the County helped the community of Roseberry and the Long Valley Preservation Society purchase lots near the Roseberry General Store. They will be named “Nasi Commons.”
- Melissa announced there would be a Pesticide Application Class, June 3. Contact her for details.
- Michelle reported there will be a public meeting on McCall infrastructure xx
- The city of McCall has received three proposals for public art.
Meeting adjourned 5:45 pm