Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc.
February 26, 2014, 4-6 pm
Donnelly City Hall
169 Halferty St.
Members present: David Papiez, Nic Swanson, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Karla Miller, Bill Willey, Rob Terry (late arrival)
Members absent: David Carey
Non-members present: Sherry Maupin, Cami Hedges
Presiding: David Papiez
David Papiez called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and welcomed new member Sherry Maupin who was appointed by McCall Area Chamber of Commerce as the Director to the Council
The minutes of the January 22, 2014, VCEDC meeting were approved as amended.
New Business
- Sherry Maupin’s Appointment as the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce Director: Karla moved and David seconded a motion to accept Sherry Maupin’s appointment as the McCall Chamber of Commerce Director. The motion was approved by voice vote. David welcomed Sherry to the Council.
- Cami Hedges Appointment as Donnelly’s Director: Cami reported that she will become the city of Donnelly’s Director on the Council, pending confirmation by the City Council. Karla moved and Sherry seconded a motion to accept Cami Hedges’s appointment as the city of Donnelly’s Director on the Council. The motion was approved by voice vote. David welcomed Cami to the Council.
- Valley County Extension Agent Replacement Update: Bill gave an update on the Valley County Extension Agent replacement. Valley County’s newest Extension Agent, Lauren Hunter, is scheduled to report April 7, 2014. Bill indicated he would invite her to the Council’s April meeting.
Sub Committee Updates
Incorporation Committee –
- Bylaw Review & Adoption – Don moved and Nic seconded a motion to add Directors Maupin and Hedges to the signature page. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. The Bylaw’s signature page was updated to reflect the membership changes.
- 501 (c) (3) Application and Status – David reported he met via telecom with Steve Lord to discuss the draft application prepared by the subcommittee. Additional work needs to be completed; the next subcommittee meeting was scheduled for March 6, 2014.
- EIN – David reported the Council’s EIN: 61-1730140
- VCEDC Bank Account –
◦ Don moved and David seconded a motion to require VCEDC checks to be signed by two of the three Council officers. The motion was approved by voice vote.
◦ David, Jonne, and Rob will open a bank account at Idaho First Bank for VCEDC. The initial deposit of $2,500 was donated by the City of McCall.
- Municipal Adoption Process
◦ Rob reported the Cascade City Council had approved the resolution adopting VCEDC’s Strategic Plan.
- VCEDC Website Proposal
◦ David distributed a proposal from McKenzie Christensen for website development and management. Following discussion, Jonne moved and Karla seconded a motion to accept the proposal for the “standard package.” The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. David, Sherry, and Nic will meet March 7, 2014 with McKenzie to provide information and request a presentation at the next Council meeting.
Project Updates
- Business Plan Competition– Karla reported approximately 15 small business owners would attend the March 1st Small Business Fair and participate in a moderated panel and networking opportunity.
- Energy Committee – Scotty, Rob, and Jonne reported the consultant had submitted a report of the temperature probe study. Copies have been distributed to Council members. Rob noted the report indicated the report was “optimistic, but not conclusive” regarding geothermal energy development. A subcommittee meeting is scheduled March 10th to discuss the results of the study, next steps, and payment for the consultant. They will report at the next Council meeting.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- Bill reported on a news article on the Telluride, Co Business Competition.
- The next VCEDC meeting will be March 21, 2014 in McCall.
- There was no public input
David adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm.