Valley County Economic Development Council
November 20, 2013, 4-6 pm
Donnelly Community Center
169 Halferty Street
Directors Present: Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Karla Miller, Ken Minshall, David Papiez, Rob Terry and Bill Willey
Directors Absent: David Carey
Non-Directors Present: Jonne Hower, Bill Weida, Michelle Groenevelt
Presiding: David Papiez
Sub Committee Updates
VCEDC Incorporation – The latest draft of the Articles of Incorporation was reviewed as revised based on the recommendations of the Council and attorney Steve Lord at the October meeting. Particular attention was given to Section 5.4, which allows for the prerogative designation of one director from Valley County and the cities of Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall. To facilitate this process, an annual resolution from each of the four aforementioned governing entities will name one director and reaffirm support of the VCEDC Strategic Plan. Michelle Groenevelt is preparing such a resolution and the City of McCall has authorized the other three governing entities to utilize the same document.
Following a thorough discussion, a motion was made by Don Bailey and seconded by Rob Terry to vote to approve the Articles of Incorporation as drafted. A unanimous vote followed in which all present Directors voted “yes,” as detailed below, and the Articles of Incorporation were adopted. David Papiez indicated that he would work with Steve Lord to get them filed with the Idaho Secretary of State as soon as possible.
Don Bailey: YES
Scotty Davenport: YES
Karla Miller: YES
David Papiez: YES
Rob Terry: YES
Bill Willey: YES
Ken Minshall: YES
VCEDC Bank Account – A bank account needs to be established in order to pay attorney’s fees and other expenses associated with VCEDC business. Scotty and Rob agreed to visit Idaho First Bank in McCall on behalf of the Council and inquire about the requirements to open a new account.
Bylaws – The Council reviewed the latest version of the Bylaws and the topic of voting procedure and guidelines emerged as an area that needs further clarification in the document. Particular attention was placed on Section 2a and the need to emphasize geographical relevance when the Council is appointing directors to vacant seats with County and municipal prerogative designation rights. David Papiez will send the draft Bylaws to the Directors and request that they return all comments within two weeks. David will forward all comments to Steve Lord for review with the goal of having an updated draft ready for review at the December meeting.
Additional Directors – Jonne Hower has become increasingly involved with the Council over the last several months and both her interest and unique skill set have been noted by the Council. The Council inquired about Jonne’s possible interest in becoming an at large Director and requested that she give the position some thought. The Council also requested that she provide a CV to review. Her official appointment will be taken up at the December meeting.
Project Updates
Business Plan Competition – Karla Miller updated the Council on the status of the competition. The project is on schedule but there remains a need for an additional $1000 in prize money. Competition participants can submit their projects December 15th thru January 15th.
Energy Committee – Scotty and Rob updated the Council on some of the latest energy committee developments. Geothermal probing this fall found some promising locations around the County, particularly around the Cascade airport, and Roy Mink hopes to utilize UofI graduate students to aid in the next phase of probing and research. A geothermal heating district for downtown Cascade is being considered through an expansion of the existing high school system. Preliminary research indicates that investment opportunities exist that could make the project viable.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
McCall Downtown Masterplan – Michelle Groenevelt updated the Council on the current status of the downtown masterplan and a recap of the last workshop. A draft of the updated masterplan will be ready for review and comment shortly and Michelle indicated that she would notify the Council when the comment period opens.
Watershed Advisory Group (WAG) – Bill Weida updated the Council on his recent progress with the IDEQ and hopeful reconstitution of the North Fork Payette River WAG. Bill’s last conversation with IDEQ staff indicated that they plan to reorganize in May 2014.
Website Management & Media – David updated the Council on the need to assume management of the VCEDC website. Karla offered to assist in this effort and a meeting was scheduled for 12/11/13 to discuss a plan of action.