Valley County Economic Development Council
October 23, 2013, 4-6 pm
Cascade City Hall
105 S. Main Street

Directors Present:  Don Bailey, David Carey, Scotty Davenport, Karla Miller, Ken Minshall, David Papiez, Rob Terry and Bill Willey

Directors Absent: None

Non-Directors Present: Attorney Steve Lord, Julie Freeman, Scott Freeman, Jonne Hower, Paul Johnson, and Carrie Rushby

Presiding:  David Papiez

Sub-Committee Updates

VCEDC Incorporation – David Papiez passed out a draft of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws drafted by Attorney Steve Lord.  Discussion ensued. Steve Lord is recommending we submit our application for a 501(c)(3).  He mentioned the IRS may require the council to apply for a 501(c)(4).  Per the discussion Steve Lord will make amendments to the Articles of Incorporation. If any Directors have additional changes or recommendations submit them to David Papiez.  David will circulate a final draft to all Directors.

Project Updates

Business Plan Competition – Karla reported the contest has been going pretty well.  The third workshop will be held tonight at McCall/Donnelly high school and the last of the four workshops will be on November 6th.  Karla said they are close to meeting their $6,000 goal.  Jonne said she has been at the first two workshops, said that there is some interest and she feels the frame work of the contest has been valuable.

Energy Committee – Scotty said he and Rob have been working with Roy Mink, Geologist & Geothermal Expert, on geothermal probing this week.  Roy will forward the data to them when it’s completed.

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input 

Idaho Economic Development Summit Recap – Bill Willey gave a synopsis of the summit given by University of Idaho.

Website Management – David Papiez informed the council that Vim Braak has been continuing to update the website.  David may start talking to him about what is involved in taking over the web site.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

McCall Downtown Masterplan – David Carey said the next McCall Downtown Master Plan Workshop is scheduled for October 31st at the Networks Architects Building, McCall. The times are: 12-1pm, 2-3pm, 5-6pm (Identical Sessions)

Payette River Scenic Byway Summit – David Papiez mentioned the Payette River Scenic Byway Summit on November 1st at the Valley County Emergency Operations Center, Cascade from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.

The next VCEDC meeting will be on November 20th at the Community Center in Donnelly, 4-6 pm.