tamarackTime and Attendance

Meeting start and finish: 1:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Members Present (alphabetical order): Don Bailey (City of McCall), Rick Certano for David Carey (McCall chamber), Scotty Davenport (Cascade Chamber), Karla Miller (member at large), Cami Hedges for Ken Minshall (City of Donnelly), David Papiez (member at large), Rob Terry (City of Cascade), Bill Willey (unincorporated Valley County), Willem Braak (non-voting/UI Extension).
Members absent:  two substitutes
Non-members present (all or part of the time): Larry Laxson, Mark Pickard
Presiding: David Papiez

Decisions and notable points

Sub Committee Updates

VCED Structure Formalization:

Don Bailey agreed to join David Papiez and Bill Willey in this sub-committee. The meeting was unanimous in supporting fast-track formalization (that is: start the process in the next few months).

ICOG Economic Development Survey

The council was asked to provide a prioritization on economic development tools for the ICOG Economic Development District 3 Survey. Several members emphasized an open and respectful dialogue within the community as the most important step towards economic development, and a prerequisite to the first tool (Community visioning and strategy setting).  The council members each rated all tools from 1 to 3, 3 indicating a lesser importance. The table below reflects the average rating of the council members.

Project Updates

Business Plan Competition

Karla reviewed the project status and promotion budget (project details). The Council again expressed strong support for the project; Don Bailey and Bill Willey committed to process the request for promotional funding through their organization’s economic development budgets and expressed confidence that, between city and county, there would be funding to support the $3000 promotion budget.  An impromptu but spirited brainstorming session among the Council members during Karla’s presentation resulted in the cultivation of several possible funding, promotion and partnership ideas/opportunities for the business plan competition project team to consider.

Valley County Recreation

NOTE: there is a clear recognition in the council that the region’s recreational opportunities represent two important economic advantages to our region: they bring in “outside monies” from tourists, retirees and 2nd home owners and they provide a “quality of life” reason for business-owners and individuals to relocate to our region and strengthen our economy. Even though recreation, as a base sector, is an important focus area for the council, it is by no means the only focus area – the council recognizes a need for economic diversification.

Recreation Summit (June 20th)

Rick Certano updated the council on the June 20 events (link for event outline). The event will include

  • a breakfast for sponsors, speakers and a select representation of chambers and community;
  • the actual summit from 1-6 PM, open to everyone but requiring an RSVP
  • a social for the summit participants at 6 PM

The winter recreation survey project, of which this summit is the closing event, received funding from the Idaho Department of Tourism, Valley County and the City of McCall, and in-kind support from the Shore Lodge, the McCall Hotel/Jug Mountain Ranch and the Hunt Lodge,.

Payette River Summer Games (June 21-23)

Mark Pickard updated the council on a new event in Valley County, intended to bring fun competitive events for the community and visitors alike while highlighting lesser known area amenities. The games include events for teams and individuals ranging from beach volley ball and disc golf to lumberjack, river dog and wall (mountain) climbing. The organization was through event captains, and supported by Kelly Whitewater Park, the city of Cascade and Chamber, Tamarack Resort and Valley County.

Other (non Cascade) council members committed to promote the event through its member organizations and commented that, as a recurring event, the Payette River Games, may positively extend the visitor season and make the season start less dependent on the 4th of July event.  More information can be found on the website (link to Payette River Games website).

Valley County Recreation Update

Larry Laxson, Valley County’s Parks & Recreation Manager, provided an update on initiatives and constraints.

  • The County currently has two parks with amenities: the Cabarton (river) boat launch south of Cascade and Wellington Park in Smith’s Ferry. It will initiate an option for users to contribute to the two county park’s upkeep and amenities as well as work with user groups to fund and expand amenities.
  • Signage remains an area of focus and potential, especially in areas where county & forest service lands interface.
  • The Valley County winter snowmobile program has 50-70 volunteers annually.  Creating a similar volunteer base for summer recreation is one of Larry’s goals in his new position.
  • Larry is working with different user groups to explore season extension and developing underutilized amenities, like rock climbing and mountain biking. The CIMBA mountain bike association is a potential user-group that, thus far, has not yet been involved.

Council Development

June 21 is still on for an economic development workshop. The workshop will last all of Friday morning and will be in McCall

Round Table, Calendar & Public Input

One additional event was discussed. Idaho Pathways (no relation to bike or pedestrian paths) is a state wide project on economic development with committed participants:  all 6 Economic Development Districts of Idaho, relevant Idaho State Agencies (Commerce, DEQ, Labor, ITD); INL, the National Association of Development Organizations and the Nez Perce Tribe. Wim suggested that one of the council members participate in the next scheduled workshop (June 4 at the Boise Water Center); he has tentatively scheduled to go in case the short notice prevents any of the members to go. [project background info]