Meeting minutes
Time and Attendance
Meeting start and finish: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Members Present (alphabetical order): Don Bailey (City of McCall), David Carey (McCall chamber), Dick Carter (City of Cascade), Scotty Davenport – part of meeting (Cascade Chamber) , Karla Miller (member at large), Ken Minshall (City of Donnelly), David Papiez (member at large), Bill Willey (unincorporated Valley County).
Non-voting member: Willem Braak, UI Extension, Valley County
Members absent: none
Non-members present (all or part of the time): Michelle Groenevelt, Dwight Jividen
Decisions and notable points note
1. Welcome & Agenda
Agenda changes: Cyndi Bonetti was in Boise, but will be joining by phone at 2:00 PM
2. Project Updates
Valley County signage – reporting: Dwight Jividen
Background and discussion: Dwight distributed the current overview [downloadable pdf] of suggested signage in Valley County and communities. The majority of suggested signs are under jurisdiction of County or ITD and placement will be coordinated/ requested through Cynda Herrick. There are a few suggested signs to be placed within communities; Cynda will contact those communities for further input and coordinate through the communities. Expected expenditures are approximately $3,500 – well within the budget.
Decision: the council would like a follow-up report before the summer.
Business Competition – reporting: Karla Miller
Background and discussion: Karla Miller reported the tentative timeline for the business plan contest will be.
Announce Contest | May 2013 |
Obtain $6,000 to $10,000 in Donations | May 2013 through December 2013 |
(Elective) Workshops for Participants | September & October 2013 |
(Elective) Clinics for Participants |
November & December 2013 |
Business plans due from Participants | January 15, 2014 |
Review of Business Plans | January 15, 2014 – February |
New Business Fair | March 1, 2014 |
- Semi-Finalists would have an opportunity to present their ideas at the New Business Fair. All participants should have a presentation ready for presentation in case they are selected as a semi-finalist. The specific number of semi-finalists was not yet decided.
- Business Fair participants will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite business idea which will be taken into account in final judging and selection of the semi-finalists.
- Final selection: a panel of 5 Judges to be selected from Business, Legal, financial, Non-Profit, and Community to rate proposals and make the final selection.
- For more information, purpose, criteria and weighting: pdf document.
The council emphasized the importance of an adequate marketing budget. Contributions to prize money (i.e. potential businesses) are off-limits to city and county contributions but the sub-committee can ask cities and county to consider contributing to the organizational portion of the budget
Decision: the council would appreciate a periodic reporting of progress
3. Sub committee updates
Department of commerce RFP: Don Baily and Bill Willey briefly summarized the required community contributions in order to qualify for a DOC grant contributing to the salary component of an economic development specialist. There was no final recommendation or conclusion.
VCED Future structure: David Papiez and Dick Carter reported on the first meeting with 3d year law students from the UI Economic Development Clinic (Boise) and distributed a first overview of their research on Idaho Economic Development organizations (download: 20130227_lawClinic). David Papiez asked the council to identify regions or organizations for comparison for the students to do further research on..
4. Guest presentation: Economic Summit March 16
Cyndi Bonetti joined the council by phone and briefed the council on the Economic Stimulus Meeting to be presented by The Friends of Kelly’s Whitewater Park on March 16 from 1-3 PM at the American Legion Hall in Cascade. The meeting intends to strengthen the economic impact of and community involvement with the park. Most council members expresses their intention to participate.
5. Analytics
Wim Braak, UI Extension, discussed economic indicators for the region and also compared the local economy with Blaine County, ID and Teton County, WY (with Blaine County displaying a more diversified economy, specifically with respect to manufacturing operations). Teton County recently had an economic development conference (conference link; discussion link) that brought up many issues mirroring issues in Valley County.
6. Council Development
The council took some time to discuss the further development of the council, specifically the need to have parallel focal areas in sector development, infrastructure development, community capacity development and business expansion, recruitment and retention. The discussion was cut short in order to due to time constraints.
7. Round table
- March 6th: 8:00am – VCED Steering Committee Meeting, HUB, McCall, ID. This is an open “coffee meeting” for anyone interested in Economic and/or energy Development in the region.
- March 12th-13th – Roger Brooks Conference, Caldwell Event Center, Caldwell, ID
- March 16th: 1-3PM. American Legion Hall in Cascade. Economic Stimulus Meeting to be presented by The Friends of Kelly’s Whitewater Park
- March 16th: 11:00AM – 1:00PM. VCED + Idaho Dept. Commerce & Tourism Lunch (TENTATIVE), Grandma’s Restaurant, Cascade, ID
Public input
NOTE: these minutes are a fair representation of the discussions and decisions of the meeting, but focus on the outcome of discussions and do not necessarily credit individuals for contributions. The discussions may be paraphrased or summarized fur purposes of clarity and accessibility.